[COYS - 最強十號已在陣中] 熱刺球迷吹水區234
溫哥華陳浩南 2020-9-23 14:53:23 hey boss, any news from milan?


HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:03:49

艾力臣迷采 2020-9-23 17:04:41 哥狗跪地
HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:06:13 呢場都阿積士個場,應該係呢世睇過最好睇個兩場

艾力臣迷采 2020-9-23 17:07:09 Ajax果場訓過龍
5點幾訓醒睇己經完撚左 見到lucas絕殺我訓唔番
HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:07:29 95:0222222222222222
HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:07:45 我叫撚到隔離屋開燈
Foyth(就走) 2020-9-23 17:11:25 假熱
HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:14:04 屌個陣lucas啲攻擊力同防守力都好強,點解家陣得返守
HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:15:51 同埋艾力神真係踢得好西
艾力臣迷采 2020-9-23 17:16:45 佢本來體力都唔係好 多左防務仲點攻擊


HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:17:20 佢對曼城個場第二球咪就係佢tackle到
福斯的背叛 2020-9-23 17:17:28 Inter-Tottenham, contacts for Skriniar.

After closing for Vidal, Inter is not working on some transfer out. In this sense, Tottenham started the first contacts for Skriniar. The request from the Nerazzurri is 60 million euros, the English club is working to lower the demands. In the event of the defender's departure (which PSG also likes), Inter has already identified the possible replacement in Fiorentina's defender Nikola Milenkovic.

Sonaldo7 2020-9-23 17:17:50 大力打鏝個場最後個醫院波
HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:18:44 電影都做唔到嘅效果
小町月海 2020-9-23 17:22:49 好彩lucas第一球快入,唔係應該訓撚咗
HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:33:29 屌老蘭真係好撚勁

艾力臣迷采 2020-9-23 17:35:13 大家點睇卡雲尼 卡卡
聰明豆麥旋風 2020-9-23 17:36:48 Milan Skriniar?
HugoLloris 2020-9-23 17:42:23
RobbieKeane 2020-9-23 17:43:26 狼得簽埋semedo


辛坦拿 2020-9-23 17:46:47 講開又講,Cavani點解都冇班落
吉田菫 2020-9-23 17:47:43 全球只有3支球隊身價突破9億鎊,曼城以9.33億鎊屈居次席,巴塞隆拿以9.1億鎊排名第3。車路士以8.26億鎊排名第4,曼聯以7.195億鎊排名第7,熱刺是前10位中第5支英超球隊。
HarryKane 2020-9-23 17:49:07 Levy曾經試過簽下Rivaldo和Shevchenko,但熱刺此前從未成功拿下這樣級別的球星。他曾數次嘗試買下正處在巔峰期的大牌球星,但最終總是以失敗告終。

反利維的細屎忽 2020-9-23 17:53:14 應該係簽字費同人工要求高?