Messi_10 2020-9-27 22:01:37 孫興民勁撚到 到底點解垃圾疤會億幾追古+基咁on9
反而冇傳過佢明明佢今年先28 早兩年係熱都好已經好勁
丹都叫曾經係超新星收購又岩用 只係傷到仆街


Dybala 2020-9-27 22:12:37 牙蘇有冇得出
天才小釣手 2020-9-27 22:13:37 買完丹同古個陣son佢都未踢亞運
Messi_10 2020-9-27 22:13:51 錯區?
Messi_10 2020-9-27 22:15:27 買基果陣佢都踢歐聯決賽啦
買錯完古仲要買錯多個 得疤咁弱智
蔣公(剿匪不力) 2020-9-27 22:21:28 高文戰術妙不可言

Messi_10 2020-9-27 22:27:37 味又係美斯戰術 輸都可以怪哂美斯
Deerhunter😎 2020-9-27 22:28:12 今晚唔睇

Arthur_Melo 2020-9-27 22:29:35 Trincão: "Have I spoke to Messi? Yes, of course, he asked me how I was doing, if I was okay and if I needed anything, and during the matches he comments on the game and gives me directions."

"I love scoring and assisting, looking for one on one continuously and helping the team with the ball and without the ball."

"Koeman talks to me a lot and what he asks me most is that I be myself, that I try to score goals. I am a young player who still has to improve in all aspects, who has to analyze his games and who has to see what he is doing well and what he is doing wrong to evolve."

"I don't watch other teams' games, I don't like it, I only watch my team's games."

"I love the number 17, it's my dad's birthday. I was the European Under-19 champion also with 17 and it is a number that I have affection for. My first goal will be for him."

"My references? In football there are many players that I like but if I have to name some, I would stay with Cristiano and Messi. They are the best."

"Where do I see myself in 5 years? I see myself as a reference at Barça. That is my goal."
問學人 2020-9-27 22:33:51 隊波冇9號就好笑
Distorted 2020-9-27 23:10:44 FF



Messi_10 2020-9-27 23:14:01 有邊隊波佢唔岩踢
Messi_10 2020-9-27 23:17:47 馬體會真係多尻謝巴塞 貴價接回塘毒撚基沙文
有錢買菲力斯換血 又賤賣蘇9增強後備深度
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-9-27 23:35:23 So9 assist
大野智 2020-9-27 23:36:38 此回覆已被刪除
仆街 2020-9-27 23:37:29 想睇佢喺魯營剷草
Messi_10 2020-9-27 23:39:35 19歲咋禍 買佢都係潛力架啦
買馬唔買馬體會 2020-9-27 23:39:45 原來西甲可以換5個
王菲(孤寂) 2020-9-27 23:40:20 此回覆已被刪除
Arthur__Fleck 2020-9-27 23:47:52 1g1a
巧驚巴(棄驚) 2020-9-27 23:48:04 So9 1g1a了


仁慈的父 2020-9-27 23:48:45 So9
大野智 2020-9-27 23:49:16 此回覆已被刪除
巧驚巴(棄驚) 2020-9-27 23:49:36 希望so9一路順風 倒戈鏟草都唔會怪佢
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-9-27 23:50:41 1g1a