S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-9-26 02:31:58


完美犯罪 2020-9-26 04:44:46 笑撚左
唔差在拎多2~30M出黎 買包皮
醜唔撚醜 15M
Arthur(梅毒) 2020-9-26 09:54:07 我意思係唔係熟嗰啲走先會屌9球會嘅膠層

Arthur(梅毒) 2020-9-26 09:55:40 唔夠中堅用
Araujo 都冇得升
skschrys 2020-9-26 11:21:46 ❗ Lyon is interested in Samuel Umtiti on loan. Due to his recent injuries, Barcelona have looked to sell him but no club have made offers. A loan solution could therefore be chosen by default if Lyon agrees to cover a large part of his salary [lequipe]
skschrys 2020-9-26 11:22:45 Álex Collado will decide his future next week. He won't continue at Barça B. Girona, another 1nd division club, an English Premier League club, and an Italian Serie A club are all interested in him [md]

skschrys 2020-9-26 11:23:33 💥 Manchester United and Liverpool have been interested in Dembélé but the player doesn't want to leave Barcelona. He feels good with Koeman. The training sessions are intense, better than before. Dembélé is staying (via @santiovalle)
skschrys 2020-9-26 11:24:12 ❌ Iñaki Peña, Ronald Araujo, Juan Miranda, and Riqui Puig won't be registered as first team players. They will be registered as Barça B players and wear a number higher than 25 (via @ESPORTSCOPE)

天才小釣手 2020-9-26 11:27:45 唔通仲同你留係到踢西乙B
他媽歌詞 2020-9-26 11:32:21 此回覆已被刪除
天才小釣手 2020-9-26 11:32:46


萬能插蘿蔔頭 2020-9-26 11:34:06 射撚死疤狗la diu
你點知的 2020-9-26 11:53:38 講到咁
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-9-26 11:56:45 Pena Miranda 甚至 Araujo我都明
如果留tdb買gracia 都冇位俾araujo住
多d上陣 再得閒打下一隊 可能對佢地仲好
但puig上季打得咁好 打中游都有表現 根本值得做第4/5中場 可以排前過alena啦
想旅行 2020-9-26 13:16:02 唔係留錢買中鋒
任由途人發現 2020-9-26 13:24:38


相澤南(反疤) 2020-9-26 13:25:33 下季轉會鏝

Ansu_Fati 2020-9-26 14:45:05 下季完約一定會走
AC米蘭 2020-9-26 15:23:54 此回覆已被刪除
咕嚕咕嚕_ 2020-9-26 15:59:42 30歲
蔣公(剿匪不力) 2020-9-26 17:03:56 35+


世一 2020-9-26 18:09:51 換到c朗真係咩錢都賺返
天才小釣手 2020-9-26 18:16:05 [MD] Semedo would have cost Barca £5m more if he had stayed, because of a clause in the his contract. Benfica charged 5 million euros for every 50 games Semedo played, up to a certain amount of games. He played 97 games in total.

Arthur_Melo 2020-9-26 18:58:06
Arthur_Melo 2020-9-26 18:58:53 屌你老母賣人唔係睇邊個踢得邊個唔得係睇邊個要比錢