[開季先騎笑匠獌] 車路士球迷祝福黑警死全家與支那滅黨討論區
結衣叔食 2020-9-20 22:56:50 如果清Rudiger 留Tomori跟Silva學野都幾好

Rudiger 有25m即賣


空肚飲咖啡 2020-9-20 22:57:03 Tmr我諗撚伯都唔一定好buy佢,復賽之後都係齋坐
柔道龍虎榜 2020-9-20 22:57:14 林囝
落葉飛霜 2020-9-20 22:57:22 Taa 羅拔臣重要係高速閘位
醉愛所炫 2020-9-20 22:57:27 左右翼
Hanako 2020-9-20 22:57:54 證明白狗上場唔係曇花一現,真係幾有form
柔道龍虎榜 2020-9-20 22:58:16 Tam走位好屎 叫佢打雙箭玩鳩人
疤敵膏 2020-9-20 22:58:19 係都出豬sir la
Javier_Baez 2020-9-20 22:58:30 都話今季中下遊好多進攻都有form
香隧通渠佬 2020-9-20 22:58:32 456
卡斯巴爾 2020-9-20 22:58:47 林伯捨唔捨得無林契仔

不過touchwood, 真係可以full team先算


叫我手足就得 2020-9-20 22:59:11 係 我都係咁諗 應該進取少少用埋巴克利同飲水 多啲英人 溝通好左踢都踢得爽啲
伊登夏殺(迷迪) 2020-9-20 22:59:26 撚蛇算係出左個最合理既陣
亞發外父 2020-9-20 22:59:26 軌上季防線一樣

我唔係Ben 2020-9-20 22:59:36 銀河唯一二傳set俾Timo走都幾正
IIV手得逃大 2020-9-20 22:59:38 廢人切呢?
柔道龍虎榜 2020-9-20 22:59:41 波特有料 唔明點解係降班膽
叫我手足就得 2020-9-20 22:59:49 合理炒車陣
亞發外父 2020-9-20 22:59:53 如果打4231又MM打邊就
疤敵膏 2020-9-20 22:59:54 上季
叫我手足就得 2020-9-20 23:00:14 撚狗 教頭生涯倒數中


亞發外父 2020-9-20 23:00:25 一樣咁性感
我唔係Ben 2020-9-20 23:00:31 斬斷雙腳
藍又時 2020-9-20 23:00:35 Frank Lampard on one change:
"It’s a change from my point of view. Different games bring different problems. We’re playing the team that were the best in the country by a long way last season and Kovacic gives you some presence in midfield. We want to play and get on the ball. Against Brighton it was tough for us to do that for different reasons but today hopefully we can get more of the ball there."
Kai.Havertz 2020-9-20 23:01:07 幾時有豬 雲同場睇