[購物成癮列物浦]車路士 對 利物浦 11
可憐男小職員 2020-9-19 20:20:59 比歷仲嘈緊


泰亞高艾簡達拿 2020-9-19 20:21:04 黑力架
Yossi 2020-9-19 20:21:06 ox紅左
Uzi 2020-9-19 20:21:10 撞一撞都出手
dllmsosad 2020-9-19 20:21:12 宣佈降班算啦
終極痴線佬 2020-9-19 20:21:16 新比狗
F.Aurelio(冠軍) 2020-9-19 20:21:45 真係弱智 咁樣都出手
沒有如果的明天 2020-9-19 20:21:55 Diogo Jota has joined Liverpool, confirmed by Nuno. Hoever signs as new Wolves player. Done. 🛑 #LFC #transfers
StevenGerrard 2020-9-19 20:21:56 傑比斯呢下醒嘅應該要訓低啦

我愛大波蓮 2020-9-19 20:22:01 力架啲eq真係低
Naby_Keita 2020-9-19 20:22:11 Ox


Naby_Keita 2020-9-19 20:22:27 英人喎
高乜撚野登 2020-9-19 20:22:33 此回覆已被刪除
F.Aurelio(冠軍) 2020-9-19 20:22:33 Nuno on Jota: "Diogo is amazing. What he did for us for 3 years was absolutely fantastic. Things happen when things should naturally happen. He is going to the right place."
Robinho10 2020-9-19 20:22:42 劉青雲
伽羅 2020-9-19 20:22:53 英人同力架冇衝突
Uzi 2020-9-19 20:22:53 冇衝突
可憐男小職員 2020-9-19 20:23:10 比歷紅
真普珠 2020-9-19 20:23:38 英人都冇乜腦
FSG死全家DLLM 2020-9-19 20:23:42 領隊紅埋
F.Aurelio(冠軍) 2020-9-19 20:23:42 ford vs ferriri 好撚正


住佐敦的軒達臣 2020-9-19 20:23:54 基比斯下輪照出
Happy ending
味之誘惑 2020-9-19 20:24:07
F.Aurelio(冠軍) 2020-9-19 20:24:22 Wolves manager Nuno on Jota: “Liverpool are going to have a great player and boy, and Ki has a bright future ahead of him. We think this deal is good for everybody. Diogo was really happy here, but it's normal that players like to face new challenges."
阿叔(反Jones) 2020-9-19 20:24:33 柒左就咪推啦