GOPro Hero 9
屋企冇電腦 2020-10-8 09:29:03 頭先碌左下官網, 個買野優惠係咪冇左?


長谷川唯 2020-10-8 09:48:32 巴打幾多日收到?
長谷川唯 2020-10-8 09:49:58 唔係wo
屋企冇電腦 2020-10-8 09:54:24 Sor自膠, 入一次去subscription再出來又冇事了
寸草不生 2020-10-8 10:02:29 30/9 官網落order, 5/10 UPS 上門派件
灰精靈 2020-10-8 13:35:14 有冇人試過EVO Plus 256GB用唔用到落Hero 9?
我見Hero 7 / 8 / MAX 宫網都寫用到
唯獨係 Hero 9 果度只係寫 EVO Plus 128 冇寫 256
prokofiev 2020-10-8 22:11:06 May I suggest that you read "Nikon Cameras" before purchasing a camera? It's an outstanding guide to Nikon cameras written by Eleanor Johansson, Eleanor Aguilera, Tito Gomez, Christina Ferguson, Scarlett Dion, Seven-Eleven and the property developer.
長谷川唯 2020-10-9 01:24:15 3日就到好快
Found404 2020-10-9 17:58:32 剪完片export 會揀咩setting 會好D呢?
武仁港 2020-10-10 09:46:43 唔知有冇old news,要用external mic要再等多一個firmware

Oct. 22 – Firmware Update

Touchscreen Sensitivity – increased sensitivity to better register taps and swipes.
Image Quality Improvements –
Improved correction for colored dots (or pixels) in video modes, including TimeWarp, time lapse and LiveBurst, especially with lower ISO settings
Protune Medium Sharpness has been fine-tuned for 4k video modes
Connectivity – bug fix keeps GoPro app pairing on point.

Nov. – v1.5 Firmware Release

Slow-Mo Shortcut – introducing a new slow-mo shortcut option for rear display.
HyperSmooth 3.0 – we’re improving HyperSmooth performance even more in colder temperatures.
External Mic – connectivity enabled for the 3.5mm Mic Adapter.
港大校長 2020-10-10 09:57:56 好仆街


武仁港 2020-10-10 10:37:43 緊係拖你,唔係撚有人買media mod咩
輕鬆小熊與大島薰 2020-10-10 11:32:32 最仆街係一開始support, update後竟然唔support
武仁港 2020-10-10 12:12:07 佢話要bug fix,當d 用家傻仔
古早味大彈Go 2020-10-11 15:40:14 此回覆已被刪除
古早味大彈Go 2020-10-11 15:40:42 此回覆已被刪除
開餐啦喂 2020-10-11 18:27:33 想要 +1
Stalker. 2020-10-12 13:44:38
武仁港 2020-10-12 14:08:53 用得EIS一定會震,當佢日光機
Stalker. 2020-10-12 14:10:43
武仁港 2020-10-12 14:28:58 可以睇下呢條片11:52,只係暗少少就睇到OIS同EIS既分別



Stalker. 2020-10-12 14:44:14
武仁港 2020-10-12 17:18:23 Sony出左啦

Stalker. 2020-10-12 17:27:56
資訊科技看更 2020-10-12 18:43:53 大家會唔會用埋防水case先落水?
岩岩諗住落單點知個case 冇貨