美國最高法院大法官金斯伯格病逝 終年87歲
書桓 2020-9-19 16:18:22 andrew yang 都比連登仔屌做共諜啦


書桓 2020-9-19 16:20:47 佢好明顯無係美國生活過,唔會同佢嘈
ForTheWorst 2020-9-19 16:21:42 此回覆已被刪除
Fatso 2020-9-19 16:24:43 普遍華人根本就唔熱衷參與政治
Jeep 2020-9-19 16:24:47 就係冇法例都告到

九指連環 2020-9-19 16:26:46 民主黨最大問題係對外敵太軟弱
冷戰時代兩黨都係一致對外 蘇聯一有依郁即時反應
依加既民主黨 唉
九指連環 2020-9-19 16:27:52 華人有錢第一時間買幾層樓收租

從政? 咪搞啦關我地撚事咩又唔係白人
自由X 2020-9-19 16:29:05 第2樣野根本就係女權自助餐 唔可以只比寡婦 意味著 條女再找別一個結婚都可以拿到撫恤金 你當之前死左個男人係草啊
Fatso 2020-9-19 16:30:03 簡單嚟講用3個字講晒 - 發錢寒
Jeep 2020-9-19 16:30:05 反而喺美國多右派支持者同意佢對大公司用機器人代替工人而抽稅UBI嘅睇法 Fox個Tucker有同佢做過訪問
壓迫裡的網絡緣份 2020-9-19 16:30:56 淨係misgender?
// Instead, reports to the companies allegedly resulted in retaliation against Lyles, who was told they could ask for reassignment at the expense of their career or see their work further impeded by coworkers, the complaint said. On one occasion, Lyles was removed three times by a colleague from a Slack channel the engineer required to complete certain work, the complaint said. //


『屎』路比 2020-9-19 16:30:56 此回覆已被刪除
ForTheWorst 2020-9-19 16:31:15 此回覆已被刪除
伊勢新九郎盛時 2020-9-19 16:33:02 連登咪啫係香港4chan唔係咩
Jeep 2020-9-19 16:33:31 喺commiefornia住咗就十年
ForTheWorst 2020-9-19 16:33:46 此回覆已被刪除
Jeep 2020-9-19 16:35:41 4chan is based and redpilled
LIHKG is cucked and bluepilled
書桓 2020-9-19 16:36:31 ok, 我向你道歉,頭先唔應該咁武斷
壓迫裡的網絡緣份 2020-9-19 16:36:38 曲?

// Ginsburg helped highlight the idea that the social security provision had discriminated against men acting as caregivers, and women serving as breadwinners.//
ForTheWorst 2020-9-19 16:37:00 此回覆已被刪除
『屎』路比 2020-9-19 16:38:03 此回覆已被刪除


壓迫裡的網絡緣份 2020-9-19 16:38:37 reddit裏面嘅r/donaldtrump
壓迫裡的網絡緣份 2020-9-19 16:39:33 engagement
『屎』路比 2020-9-19 16:39:41 此回覆已被刪除
ForTheWorst 2020-9-19 16:39:46 此回覆已被刪除