LIHKG 有冇鐘意eminem 嘅stan ??
不理不理豬太郎 2020-9-17 23:49:56


品煙師 2020-9-17 23:54:48 release ??
啜地 2020-9-17 23:57:38 此回覆已被刪除
飛機杯達人(牙狗) 2020-9-18 00:00:29 聽過呢首未
Kst 2020-9-18 00:02:40 mocking bird
MnM 2020-9-18 00:07:16 好似仲有續集, Bad Guy 好似係呢首歌嘅的延伸
天滅共黨(加速中) 2020-9-18 00:09:26 首首歌聽到熟晒跟唔到唱

同Rap god距離太遠
MnM 2020-9-18 00:10:03 呢首歌好撚正,當個人好灰嘅時候聽會有返動力
痾篤尿唔能2️⃣ 2020-9-18 00:18:45 個人咁睇,我唔係好熟 rap scene ,不過我覺得聽rap 或者其他歌都好,有兩類人,一類就係想chill relax 下,佢地會聽mumble rap snoop dog 隊住草聽,另一類人(我覺得自己係)就係聽歌黎抒發情感,我覺得eminem 畀我感覺同其他黑人rapper 唔同就係唔會一味講gangster bitch ,觸動到人心。例如 sing for the moment 呢段:
That's why we sing for these kids that don't have a thing
Except for a dream and a fuckin' rap magazine
Who post pinup pictures on their walls all day long
Idolize they favorite rappers and know all they songs
Or for anyone who's ever been through shit in they lives
'Til they sit and they cry at night, wishing they die
'Til they throw on a rap record, and they sit and they vibe
We're nothing to you, but we're the fuckin' shit in their eyes
That's why we seize the moment, and try to freeze it and own it
Squeeze it and hold it, 'cause we consider these minutes golden
And maybe they'll admit it when we're gone
Just let our spirits live on, through our lyrics that you hear in our songs

仲有最出名既lose yourself 我最深體會唔係勵志,而係嗰種係壓力之下點樣lose youself let all the shit out ,我自己有次考個完全唔肥得既試(肥左好撚大鑊 not DSE) ,真係臨考前個腦狂loop 首歌
品煙師 2020-9-18 00:59:03 今次就講下eminem 有份玩嘅組合

Bad meets evil
Royce da 5'9" (Bad) Eminem (Evil)
呢個組合最出名嘅歌係同bruno mars 合作嘅lighters. 呢首歌係講追夢,eminem 同 royce 講佢地以前嘅經歷,比班haters 屌又好,唱片公司睇唔起佢又好,幾咁壓抑又好,都唔好放棄你自己嘅夢想,萬一你得咗呢

Eminem, Bizarre, Mr. porter 等等
呢首歌入面eminem 係主唱,呢首歌my band 就係講D12 呢個男子組合,靠eminem 一條友就令到成隊band 出名,不過事實上呢隊band 唔係真係咁紅
隱居的老哲人 2020-9-18 01:00:58 darkness 有無聽過,呢首先神,勁多語帶相關


隱居的老哲人 2020-9-18 01:01:41 呢隻勁正! 好神嘅詞
品煙師 2020-9-18 01:02:28 唔係講笑真係未
品煙師 2020-9-18 01:05:31 都有首beautiful 撐吓場嘅

個album 少啲出名嘅歌囉
品煙師 2020-9-18 01:12:37 首先唔怪你話snoop dogg mumble rap
mumble rap 係解啲rapper rap 到lur 埋一舊
rap 到冇人知佢唱緊咩

我都係靠lose yourself 去interview 同考試
品煙師 2020-9-18 01:13:13 呢首要睇人地啲解釋先明
嫪毐 2020-9-18 01:14:10 第一首接觸佢嘅歌
品煙師 2020-9-18 01:16:05 我就係想介紹eminem 俾啲唔識佢嘅人
成份有水 2020-9-18 01:16:54 slim shady 嗰隻盞鬼調皮感好撚正,同dr dre隻guilty conscience 天使魔鬼咁一人一段好撚過癮
嫪毐 2020-9-18 01:20:02 佢啲rap唔同而家啲黑人rap
品煙師 2020-9-18 01:20:40 success is my only motherfucking option, failure's not
就係呢句motivate 我去keep 著努力


品煙師 2020-9-18 01:23:13 咪lil pump 嗰啲囉真係垃圾黎
屎忽比你痕 2020-9-18 01:24:05 我覺得呢首算係代表作
何桂藍 2020-9-18 01:24:06 In fact, let's be honest that last Relapse CD was eh
屎忽比你痕 2020-9-18 01:25:10 Kim聽親都覺得好鬼恐怖