LIHKG TD Ameritrade德美利證劵開戶中伏區 (2)
拾三 2020-11-28 23:27:34 可唔可以介紹下desktop通常會放咩widget


樓主係仆街 2020-11-28 23:39:20 25000USD呀
永遠反抗@奇幻員 2020-11-28 23:44:09 紅字比人睇得清楚好多, 有人睇唔到我答乜, 另外要咁多錢咩?? US$25000?? 無限Day Trade 喎?? 咁得啦, 用曬TD 3次有限day trade, 用曬就用FT 無限囉, 兩個一齊開住用啦 , 對我黎講無問題, 兩邊都有美元.
永遠反抗@奇幻員 2020-11-28 23:47:44 有好多野可以加入去用, 仲可以寫Program 入去比個人用, 堅勁, 我覺得勁個頭, 但習慣下, 我用左2個星期內再加曬分析技術指標, 就用到而家了.
網上爬 2020-11-28 23:51:10 Quote from

What is a "pattern day trader"?

Please note that a day trade is considered the opening and closing of the same position within the same day. Per FINRA rules, if you make more than 3 day trades in any 5 business day period, you will be marked as a pattern day trader. Effective September 28, 2001 the NYSE and NASD imposed a USD$25,000 minimum equity requirement for "pattern day traders." Consistent with the new margin rules, if a TD Ameritrade Hong Kong customer's margin account falls under USD$25,000 and the customer has been marked as a “pattern day trader,” the customer will not be allowed to open new positions until the USD$25,000 requirement is restored.
永遠反抗@奇幻員 2020-11-28 23:56:52 TD為你地好, 唔想你地輸太多錢 !! Set 好3次為限Day Trade, 咁主要用佢個Desktop 版, OK既 !!
淮山杞子 2020-11-29 00:05:02 我見佢話射倉 之後一星期唔trade得
咁我由8仔轉過嚟 想放都唔比? 好似好大風險
永遠反抗@奇幻員 2020-11-29 00:34:43 什麼是“慣性當日沖銷”?
唆理我睇吾到婊 2020-11-29 06:12:19 用cash acc 無限制


Bastet 2020-11-29 10:25:43 各位CHING我有D USD現金在手, 係唔係可以將佢入CITI PRIORITY直接電匯去TD 而不需俾手續費? 電匯時揀自己俾手續費就會免左?
專家模式 2020-11-29 11:59:28
胡車兒 2020-11-29 15:22:30 等交文件都要成兩星期
Bastet 2020-11-29 16:23:39 唔該巴打
永遠反抗@奇幻員 2020-11-29 18:02:27 全對, 不要做錯人地比就OK.
永遠反抗@奇幻員 2020-11-29 18:03:34 我都係2星期, 如果早已無填錯或交齊文件應該2星期內已經開左了.
永遠反抗@奇幻員 2020-11-29 18:04:40 我都係Cash, 有限, 每日3次.
Bastet 2020-11-29 19:02:50 好呀唔該把打
齋啡走甜 2020-11-29 23:01:21 派膠? USD 2,500 咁少, set條法例黎托7咩

明明根本就係USD 25,000
薯蛋兔 2020-11-30 18:40:15 想問大家TD補交資料後幾耐收到email叫你入錢


淮山杞子 2020-11-30 19:02:13
麵哥開榴槤 2020-12-1 13:07:51 11月16申請 啱啱批咗
升返幾度 2020-12-1 13:19:37 14/11申請 今日批咗
MOMAX的會爆炸 2020-12-1 13:54:27 樓上兩位巴打有冇收到confirm email?定係login入到check status見到已經批咗?