[金塊反cup賤種艇]NBA 2019-20 Bubble 季後賽討論區 (44)
佳得樂 2020-9-16 14:23:26 下年傷左唔肯打 request trade


水原千鶴(25仔) 2020-9-16 14:24:09

刑天(和理勇武) 2020-9-16 14:24:17 隊波比賽係連場邊坐都冇出現
真理野裕也 2020-9-16 14:27:32 當年大飛係用交易方式挖文件河過去 再俾埋營運總監佢做 舊年定唔知前年燉咗冬菇

我代表綠軍多謝文件河唔肯留低重建 如果唔係都未必有少帥
蜘G俠 2020-9-16 14:27:37 通常兜唔到啲fans就會拎佢舅父出嚟擋
秦國肥佬 2020-9-16 14:29:05 最underrated 球員 - dragic
隻羊無限好 2020-9-16 14:33:16 艇打波好似玩緊 1f5m
都唔知6p 既精粹
敏敏食木耳 2020-9-16 14:34:15 點醫佢個病冇提到

playoff 就場場爆到盡都冇事


g7 14分27%命中...


ros147 2020-9-16 14:39:39
伊勢新九郎盛時 2020-9-16 14:41:06 依家就咪諗啦
Qbear 2020-9-16 14:41:30 Playoff 艇打得差 -> 隊友廢
又唔諗下regular 成日load man 無隊友點carry到第2 seed


內马尔 2020-9-16 14:41:40
伍佰 2020-9-16 14:41:46 火箭係咁將d爛約換爛約

咁又未必 2020-9-16 14:42:53 細杯都20
prokofiev 2020-9-16 14:43:07 Michael Jordan is the greatest NBA player of all time. I used to enjoy watching Vince Carter play so much as he was a very exciting slam dunker. In fact, he is considered to be one og the greatest slam dunker of his time. The tank tops in Zara come in six sizes: extra extra small, extra small, small, medium, large and extra large. Its blazers come in many sizes. This Navy blue blazer is the wrong size. It isn't my size, nor is it my cousin's size. This blazer is a size forty four. Do you have it in size forty? I generally take a size forty in blazers while my cousin is a size thirty eight. However, I'd like to try a size forty blazer and a size forty two on for size. If both blazers aren't my size, can I get it cut to size? If not, I'll need to get it cut to size elsewhere. What is your size? What size skirt does your cousin take? What size tank top is your cousin's husband? I wanna try this pants in a smaller size. Do you have them in a smaller size because I think they're one size too big? I need a smaller size. My friend, Leonardo has tried them on and they're the right size. This branch doesn't have the pink bathing suit in Margaret's size so she'll have to visit another branch. My friend Celine is a size medium in tank tops and a size eight in shoes, including flats, high-heeled shoes and sneakers whereas I generally wear a size nine. A notice in the shop says "If you spend over four hundred dollars in a single transaction, you get a pocket-sized mirror as a free gift." I'm gonna make Celine a gift of a khaki swimsuit, a sky blue bikini top, a pair of mom shorts and a pair of pink high heels along with the pocket-size mirror.
ros147 2020-9-16 14:43:38
柒公子 2020-9-16 14:44:08 佢一律20usd
那邊實? 2020-9-16 14:44:21 你話萬用package gordon換就話砌下巨頭啫

ros147 2020-9-16 14:45:34 Griffin Roco House EG Harden
小左個人TO 派膠上腦
含精密密 2020-9-16 14:51:05 咩叫no i.o.u.s?
金州勇士(SL人UT) 2020-9-16 14:51:26 條友手咁短點護框


LaMelo_Ball 2020-9-16 14:52:05 此回覆已被刪除
含精密密 2020-9-16 14:52:26 上面p字頭條友貼一大篇9唔搭8既雞腸係做咩事?
prokofiev 2020-9-16 14:52:28 I'm rooting for Stephen Curry. Stephen, you're doing fine. You're getting better every day. You've almost mastered it. Keep up the good work. You're on the right track now. Keep it up. I think the next company that will rent the shol will be a high-class restaurant. A restaurant of the highest quality. The shopping center will probably rent it out to the new company for five hundred thousqnd dollars a month. My cousin is the landlord of three flats in The Cullinan. He's rented them out through letting agencies. My brother has also been renting a flat above the train station from a landlord through a letting agency.
柒公子 2020-9-16 14:53:01 I owe you