[金塊反cup賤種艇]NBA 2019-20 Bubble 季後賽討論區 (44)
金州勇士(SL人UT) 2020-9-16 13:52:13 籃波都有得見工咁面試


柒公子 2020-9-16 13:53:41 咁咪姐係又要隔離
癲濟公 2020-9-16 13:53:46 咁不嬲試訓=面試嘅
Medical report同身體數據好多人會偷雞
MyEyesDon'tLie 2020-9-16 13:54:40 detail 唔知都可以作個故仔話刺呃佢幫啞狗洗白,好野
癲濟公 2020-9-16 13:54:44 最出名例子咪kd
43碎(失業) 2020-9-16 13:58:12 此回覆已被刪除
筒井呀也咩 2020-9-16 13:59:24 呢啲咪就係Herro波
LaMelo_Ball 2020-9-16 14:02:34 此回覆已被刪除
佳得樂 2020-9-16 14:03:48 係playoff隊友最差既一年
43碎(失業) 2020-9-16 14:04:43 此回覆已被刪除
DannyAinge 2020-9-16 14:05:23 bench press 0下


43碎(失業) 2020-9-16 14:05:33 此回覆已被刪除
寂寞的小處男 2020-9-16 14:06:21 放心嚟緊仲會有得再差
癲濟公 2020-9-16 14:08:44 又唔係
鞭屍馬 2020-9-16 14:08:48 此回覆已被刪除
深澤美咲 2020-9-16 14:09:40
佳得樂 2020-9-16 14:09:46 最慘都係衰多年 拍拍個蘿柚又走得
河童怪 2020-9-16 14:11:58 睇住宇宙單核史詩式垃圾表現出局真係人生一大樂事
ZoeyDeutch 2020-9-16 14:12:11 咪撚講咁撚多廢話啦


一線鷹迷(迷羊) 2020-9-16 14:12:54 除非又簽到Danilo, 否則冇乜好選擇啦
丹尼路斯 2020-9-16 14:14:18 Sex cam



萬惡窮為首 2020-9-16 14:18:28 此回覆已被刪除
prokofiev 2020-9-16 14:20:10 James Harden lives in Clovelly Court whereas Stephen Curry lives in Cochrane Street. The tank tops in Hollister came in six sizes: extra small, small, medium, large, extra large and extra extra large. Its chinos come in many sizes. These beige chinos are the wrong size. They aren't my size, neither are they my cousin's size. This pair of beige chinos is a size thirty six. Do you have them in size thirty one? I take size thirty one in pants whereas my cousin generally wears a size thirty five. However, I would like to try a size thirty one pair of chinos and a size thirty three pair on for size. If both pairs aren't my size, can they be cut to size? If not, I'll need to get them cut to size somewhere else. What's your size? What size shoes does your cousin take? What size skirt is your sister? I wanna try this tank top in a larger size. Do you have it in a bigger size because I think it's one size or two sizes too small? I need a larger size. My brother has tried it on and it's the right size. This branch doesn't have the sky blue tank top in my size so I'll have to visit another branch. My friend Margaret takes size six in dresses and medium size in tank tops. She's a size eight in shoes, including flats, high heels 👠and sneakers 👟 while I generally wear a size nine. A notice in the shop says "If you spend over eight hundred dollars 💵in a single transaction, you get a pocket-size mirror as a free gift." I'm gonna make Margaret a gift 🎁of a pink swimsuit 🩱, a pair of mom jeans 👖 and a purple tankini along with the pocket-sized mirror.
寂寞的小處男 2020-9-16 14:21:44 留名睇下年一輪遊
刑天(和理勇武) 2020-9-16 14:23:10 冇錢