[COYS - 迷摩的利維]熱刺球迷吹水區230
屌你老母臭化閪 2020-9-16 18:16:52 要行軍快仲用Dele Alli,Lamela呢d妹下妹下既垃圾?


吉高由里子 2020-9-16 18:22:30 諗都無諗過大師兄會愛回家
反利維的細屎忽 2020-9-16 18:22:50 所以岩岩個場咪換走Dele都唔用Lamela囉

同埋Dele係成隊入面往返Final third同mid third最好


福斯的背叛 2020-9-16 18:22:55 https://twitter.com/thespursexpress/status/1306175938493784065?s=21
shenmue 2020-9-16 18:23:59
反利維的細屎忽 2020-9-16 18:24:51 “With a system of two midfield players and one number 10, I demand a lot from a number 10.

“I like a number 10 to score goals. I like a number 10 to get in the box. I like a number 10 to score goals like Oscar's against Maccabi Tel Aviv.

“A number 10 for me is an eight-and-a-half when the team loses the ball, and the number 10 is a nine-and-a-half when the team has the ball.

“Who is my perfect number 10? Wesley Sneijder and Deco. Because they could defend, get in the box and finish goals? Yes.”

奮進人 2020-9-16 18:26:40 此回覆已被刪除
辛坦拿 2020-9-16 18:26:41 Gareth Bale's agent confirms Spurs return is 'close' on free transfer via @Onefootball. Read it here:


一見到Permanent Deal就好驚撻Q呀大佬
吉高由里子 2020-9-16 18:27:51 人工點計先
上訴人 2020-9-16 18:28:48 摩佬對佢係恨鐵不成鋼,覺得佢有天分但唔夠勤力
30米利 2020-9-16 18:28:59 如果大師兄返到黎無貨交 到時都唔知點算


艾力臣迷采 2020-9-16 18:29:01 Bd
上年比摩狗力保 結果第一場就傷柒左 而家第二季就比人取代
艾力臣迷采 2020-9-16 18:29:51 不過即使bale都簽埋我都唔太樂觀 但一定J撚到虛脫先
30米利 2020-9-16 18:30:11 其實要啦 我地兩閘應該big 6入面最廢
奮進人 2020-9-16 18:30:39 此回覆已被刪除
福斯的背叛 2020-9-16 18:30:51 而家不是了
超級西 2020-9-16 18:31:06 Free transfer
就簽住1+1 合約先
吉高由里子 2020-9-16 18:31:40 bd + 3叔就一定係
30米利 2020-9-16 18:31:46 唔好除褲住呀
福斯的背叛 2020-9-16 18:32:06 琴晚凍到而家
艾力臣迷采 2020-9-16 18:33:13 我老母入到黎問我做咩唔着褲 我笑而不語


中出新垣結衣 2020-9-16 18:33:58 幾時買多個cb頂假英人
30米利 2020-9-16 18:35:16 之前傳嗰件韓仔呢?
拉莫斯(前鋒) 2020-9-16 18:37:04 同摩狗嗌交
shenmue 2020-9-16 18:39:04 佢前幾年都踢開後備架啦