[實用文] 教您點先可以保障私隱、網絡安全 (簡易版)
目黑區摩斯漢堡店 2020-9-14 01:05:54 岩岩search 見佢成日比人爆ac同密碼 放上網


冰鎮草莓甜酒 2020-9-14 01:06:21
媽咪學校有人嘔呀 2020-9-14 01:09:38
DLLMWEST 2020-9-14 01:12:08
豬的 2020-9-14 01:13:56
李世榮 2020-9-14 02:00:13 Push
支那人就是國恥 2020-9-14 02:33:25 此回覆已被刪除
頭號麵粉 2020-9-14 08:48:09
YoHei 2020-9-14 09:21:48 push
Also 睇埋周庭依兩條片
京都念慈ohm 2020-9-14 10:31:00 只要部電話/電腦係有用online banking, 有用電子錢包,有用嚟接觸公司資料(包括login 公司email, 使用同同事講工事嘅即時通訊軟件),或者閃咭etc...都應該要關注自己部電話/電腦嘅私隱同安全
京都念慈ohm 2020-9-14 10:36:39 同埋我覺得Android 版嘅Firefox 喺相容性方面係比Chromium based 嘅browser 差


逢甲牧屍人 2020-9-14 12:57:22

唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-14 15:19:32

唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-14 15:20:37
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-14 15:25:09 唔錯,可能方便過用PGP asymmetric encryption添,但我自己prefer一啲audit過既野
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-14 15:27:08 係,同埋唔想港共知道你嘅一切嘅人都應該小心為上

目黑區摩斯漢堡店 2020-9-14 16:38:59 希望樓主講多少少雲端既資訊
頭號麵粉 2020-9-14 17:12:16
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-14 17:20:35
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-14 17:23:17
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-14 17:23:57 OK


目黑區摩斯漢堡店 2020-9-14 17:29:22 可以的話希望睇下 PCloud
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-14 17:49:16 聽日先有文件版
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-14 17:56:24 We will collect information such as your IP address, browser type and version, operating system, referral source and device information.

Through tracking services, we will collect information about you such as length of visit, page views and navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency and pattern of your usage, operating system, device information, behavior, visited pages, etc.

We may share your Personal Data or other information about you with others with third party services ... performance analytics to help us enhance Users' experiences.


我就唔係好信,同埋好似唔係open source?
WhyDoYouLoveMe 2020-9-14 18:02:28