[實用文] 教您點先可以保障私隱、網絡安全 (簡易版)
此生只娶前線絲 2020-9-9 16:21:49 唔建議,但冇辦法


此生只娶前線絲 2020-9-9 16:24:17 https://lihkg.com/thread/2194695/page/1
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-9 16:25:08
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-9 16:31:01 係,Onion over VPN嗰度我唔同意
onion over vpn都算多一重保護

唔太同意,VPN公司知道用咗咩server,唔可以同Tor相提並論,尤其是browser fingerprint, stream isolation, cookie isolation呢啲VPN都做唔到
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-9 16:43:28 NordVPN有好多trackers

We have found code signature of the following trackers in the application:
AppsFlyer (analytics)
Google AdMob (advertisement)
Google Analytics (analytics)
Google CrashLytics (crash reporting)
Google Firebase Analytics (analytics)
Google Tag Manager (analytics)

此生只娶前線絲 2020-9-9 16:44:20 我就用緊佢,冇辦法,用住先
此生只娶前線絲 2020-9-9 16:45:07 依家整緊firefox嘅安全指南,淨係寫咗小小,諗緊點寫落去好
爆炸la地球 2020-9-9 16:47:36 此回覆已被刪除
此生只娶前線絲 2020-9-9 16:48:34 暫時淨係寫咗用ESR版,諗緊跟住寫咩好
冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:48:40
冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:48:50


冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:49:16
冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:49:29
冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:51:33 Tui
冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:51:54
冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:54:39
冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:55:07
冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:55:21
冇名呀 2020-9-9 16:55:36
通街都係處 2020-9-9 16:56:33
唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-9 17:12:15


唔好再喺網上裸跑 2020-9-9 17:13:35 呢個之前寫落

當您唔想用Tor嘅時候 (譬如有無限CAPTCHA而你又要login), 我建議您用Firefox + VPN

1. 可以裝d addons, 譬如NoScript/uBlock Origin/uMatrix, HTTPS Everywhere, Privacy Badger, CanvasBlocker, Decentraleyes

2. 記得disable WebRTC,避免真實IP洩漏: https://www.privacytools.io/browsers/#webrtc

3. 改善私隱保障(about:config): https://www.privacytools.io/browsers/#about_config

4. Enable DNS over HTTPS: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/05/a-cartoon-intro-to-dns-over-https/
可以揀DNS provider: https://www.privacytools.io/providers/dns/

5. Edit User Agent String:

6. 去Firefox → Preferences → Privacy and Security , set佢去:

6.1. Strict (Stronger protection, but may cause some sites or content to break.)
如果有啲website display唔到,可以disable個shield (website bar 左邊)

6.2. Never Remember History

6.3. Uncheck all items in Firefox Data Collection and Use

6.4. Disable Deceptive Content and Dangerous Software Protection

7. 如果你一定要瀏覽 HTTP網站, e.g.: http[://]insecure[.]site, 用 web.archive.org 去咗save個網站佢, e.g.: https://web.archive.org/save/http://insecure.site

咁你嘅ISP / VPN 就只會睇到你上緊archive.org

8. Search engine: DuckDuckGo 或 Startpage
要使用 DDG, 去 https://duck.comhttps://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion (Tor) 就可以搜尋。中文嘅search results 有時完全九唔嗒八

我自己就鍾意 https://startpage.com 多啲, 佢用 Google 嘅搜尋引擎,但比起Google尊重私隱, 因為佢唔會加插 persistent tracking cookies, 唔會暴露你嘅位置比indexed website知, 同埋唔會操縱搜尋結果。(Startpage唔會估你想你睇啲乜而去操控/審查任何搜尋資料)

9. 唔建議用Chrome / Brave
Chrome 69 will keep Google Cookies when you tell it to delete all cookies https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18064537


此生只娶前線絲 2020-9-9 17:18:34 我諗住分唔同程度,畀唔同人用,你講嗰啲我都知,但諗緊邊樣放喺咩位好啲
知更鳥 2020-9-9 17:21:08
頭號麵粉 2020-9-9 17:21:46