心如止水舞間 2020-9-21 00:55:46 剛睇完David Lynch導演自傳Room to Dream


海邊的曼徹斯特 2020-9-21 00:56:19 易經
4062 2020-9-21 01:19:05 岩岩睇完衞斯理嘅蠱惑/再來一次

而家準備睇埋個半本when breathe becomes air
synchronization 2020-9-21 01:24:08
水水水淼淼 2020-9-21 04:04:19 佢本書好睇啲定佢啲戲好睇啲?
我媽係男人 2020-9-21 07:59:25 推薦啊 令你反思好多你同物質以及社交既關係
synchronization 2020-9-21 09:07:56
每晚個腦停唔到 2020-9-21 12:11:40 有冇ching近擺睇緊 Greek's philosophy

13936 2020-9-21 14:28:05 我網購多
抽到你心寒 2020-9-21 14:28:06 Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 7th edition

呢本係McKinsey 出的, 剛剛出到第7版
教公司估值方法, 睇左而又用左佢的方法, 你會知道與其不斷比較同類公司的PE同PS(冇耐之前我都係咁), 不如老老實實計佢估值來做投資決定,
唔咁樣做, 你永遠唔知一隻股票的intrinsic value, 一路都係會做唔好的決定.

就算覺得估值方法太深, 睇本書的Part 1, 你會清楚股票的價值由邊度黎.
跳跳虎咩咩叫 2020-9-21 15:44:10 封面好靚


J_Guilavogui 2020-9-21 18:27:04 睇左8 份1 左右, 要讚既地方係作者幾有野心,真係唔同地方既獨立史既大事同經過都幾齊整,同埋唔係淨係鳩抄成書,係史觀同文筆統一梳理過先整理成一本書,好適合拎黎做導論,睇完之後對個別國家有興趣就去搵其他書深入研究

自己覺得麻麻既地方係作者個套左派史觀,佢本身左翼份子黎,變左本身個史觀就有d 不斷革命論既影子,對作者黎講階級鬥爭同民族解放係同樣重要,如果你係右派既話你應該睇到擰哂頭

(同埋接受唔到佢無講芬蘭獨立... 不過有立陶宛都可以收貨

J_Guilavogui 2020-9-21 18:41:08 如果想學睇financial statement , 分析公司表現,有咩書推介
壓迫裡的網絡緣份 2020-9-21 18:44:05
壓迫裡的網絡緣份 2020-9-21 18:45:13 輕輕一推
抽到你心寒 2020-9-21 18:47:36 呢個你要自己揾,本身會計底
Xavi🐯 2020-9-21 18:56:02 田園?序言
東涌日和- 2020-9-21 20:14:25 整係旺角都幾間
噢花賣爹巴弟 2020-9-21 21:18:56 可以睇書係一件好幸福既事
潤之同志 2020-9-22 11:36:30

少甜多奶 2020-9-23 23:34:53 french revolution有無邊本推介


墨西哥師奶 2020-9-24 00:45:47 好彩碌咗入呢個post

壓迫裡的網絡緣份 2020-9-24 10:43:29



叫做睇左大半 Peter McPhee嘅The French Revolution 1789–1799


另外樓上巴打講到William Doyle本French Revolution都係常見嘅推薦,屬於Revisionist一派(用馬克思主義角度研究 法國大革命係正統;後來從其他角度研究嗰啲就叫revisionist,因為係挑戰緊舊有觀點)


McPhee佢本書都有延伸閱讀嘅書單,我一陣copy落黎 作為參考(不過我試過上gen lib搵,好多都搵唔到;所以搵黎睇都有啲煩)

少甜多奶 2020-9-24 11:23:16 多謝ching推介
壓迫裡的網絡緣份 2020-9-24 13:23:12 話說法國大革命嘅書真係汗牛充棟



以下書單引用自 Peter McPhee, The French Revolution 1789–1799

A Guide to Further Reading in English

The best introduction to eighteenth-century France is Daniel Roche, France in the Enlightenment, trans. Arthur Goldhammer (Cambridge, Mass., 1998).
An enormous amount may be learned about French society as a whole from
John McManners, Church and Society in Eighteenth-Century France, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1998).
Local studies permit a closer approach to French society; among them are
Robert Forster, The Nobility of Toulouse in the Eighteenth Century (Baltimore, 1971), and
The House of Saulx-Tavanes: Versailles and Burgundy 1700–1830 (Baltimore, 1977);
Daniel Roche, The People of Paris: An Essay in Popular Culture in the 18th Century, trans. Marie Evans (Berkeley, Calif., 1987);
Thomas Sheppard, Lourmarin in the Eighteenth Century: A Study of a French Village (Baltimore, 1971);
Olwen Hufton, Bayeux in the Late Eighteenth Century: A Social Study (Oxford, 1967);
John McManners, French Ecclesiastical Society under the Ancien Régime (Manchester, 1960); Patrice Higonnet, Pont-de-Montvert: Social Structure and Politics in a French Village, 1700– 1914 (Cambridge, Mass., 1971), and
Liana Vardi, The Land and the Loom: Peasants and Profit in Northern France 1680–1800 (Durham, NC, 1993).

The crucial roles of women in household work strategies are discussed in
Olwen Hufton’s important The Prospect before Her: A History of Women in Western Europe, 1500–1800 (New York, 1996).

Debates on the origins of the Revolution are summarized from a non- Marxist or ‘revisionist’ perspective in
William Doyle, Origins of the French Revolution, 2nd edn. (Oxford, 1980),
while Colin Jones synthesizes a mass of recent research into an effective riposte in
Colin Lucas (ed.), Rewriting the French Revolution (Oxford, 1991).

The continuity of attempts at reform is stressed by
Peter Jones, Reform and Revolution in France: The Politics of Transition, 1774–1791 (Cambridge, 1995).

Increasing attention has been paid to the cultural origins of the Revolution, well summarized in
Roger Chartier, The Cultural Origins of the French Revolution (Durham, NC, 1991);
Emmet Kennedy, A Cultural History of the French Revolution (New Haven, 1989); and the deservedly influential work of
Robert Darnton, The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History (New York, 1984), and
The Literary Underground of the Old Regime (Cambridge, Mass., 1982).

Forty years after its publication in French, the classic Marxist narrative by
Albert Soboul, The French Revolution 1787–1799: From the Storming of the Bastille to Napoleon, trans. Alan Forrest and Colin Jones (London, 1989)
remains a powerful, cohesive analysis.
Very different in tone is the detailed political history by
William Doyle, The Oxford History of the French Revolution (Oxford, 1989); here international affairs and counter-revolution are properly emphasized.