佐々木琲世 2020-9-5 05:13:58 https://youtu.be/D_Vg4uyYwEk

But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.


黃狗射尿 2020-9-5 05:59:51 Why do we fall?
prokofiev 2020-9-12 10:55:57 Can't wait for things to go back to normal so you and I can adventure again.
prokofiev 2020-9-12 10:56:25 I'm sitting in a ramen restaurant thinking about all the food I've just ordered.
prokofiev 2020-9-12 10:56:40 Thinking about all the food I just ordered.
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:07:00 Season's greetings! Wishing you a season full of Yuletide cheer!
不留戀到八時 2020-9-12 11:07:23
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:07:52 Yuletide greetings! Wishing you a holiday season full of warmth, love and family! May the beauty of the holidays warm your spirit!
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:08:23 Happy holidays! Wishing you a new year full of peace and joy!
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:09:59 Happy new year! I hope all your endeavors in 2020 are successful! I hope all your dreams come true in 2020 - onward and upward!
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:10:43 All I want for Christmas is you! You melt me faster than a snowflake! To me, you shine brighter than thr star 🌟 on the tree!


prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:11:17 To me, you shine brighter than the star 🌟 on top of the Christmas tree!
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:11:32 See you in my dreams, honey!
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:15:26 You're gorgeous, cute and pretty. You arr the best thing that has ever happened to me. Your love is what keeps me going every day. It's awesome to spend my life with you. I'm looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together. Last night, I sent an angel to look over you as you slept. The angel returned to me and when I asked why? The angel said that angels do not watch over angels. This morning, I went to the hospital and got an x-ray, fo you know what they found? You in my heart. The doctor said my heart will always be fine with you in it.
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:16:34 Last night, I sent an angel to watch over you while you were sleeping but it came back early! So I asked why? It said that angels do not watch over other angels.
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:17:10 See you in my dreams, sweetheart!
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:47:27 It's awesome to spend my life with you.
prokofiev 2020-9-12 11:47:48 I'm looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together.
五經無雙 2020-9-12 11:50:53 多謝支持
prokofiev 2020-9-12 12:32:30 There's a G sharp in measure fifty eight.
prokofiev 2020-9-12 19:34:49 There're a G flat and an A double sharp in measure ten and measure seventy.


prokofiev 2020-9-13 21:05:51 You've made the right decision to go to Tokyo on vacation. You were granted a visa within eleven days.
情陷夜西環 2020-9-13 21:41:33 今日賣咗風華個呀婆跳咗落街
情陷夜西環 2020-9-13 21:41:56 我知
情陷夜西環 2020-9-13 21:42:18 你係差人黎架