摧毁溫室的猛火 2020-11-25 18:14:47 唔使割包皮


prokofiev 2020-11-25 18:16:45 I played to a capacity audience.
prokofiev 2020-11-25 18:18:14 I performed to a capacity audience.
prokofiev 2020-11-25 18:18:34 My concert attracted a capacity audience.
prokofiev 2020-11-25 18:19:00 My recital attracted a packed, enthusiastic audience.
Baba_Yaga 2020-11-25 18:37:11 你快得過風,但追唔到時間
如果癡癡的等 2020-11-25 20:05:17 Block咗條prokofiev
Yui愛梓 2020-11-26 03:49:00 黃咗啦九叔,走呀
prokofiev 2020-12-2 17:49:22 Can't wait for things to go back to normal so you and I can adventure again.
prokofiev 2020-12-2 17:49:58 Thinking about all the food I just ordered.
末世聖人 2020-12-3 02:01:11 曾經有一份至真摯嘅愛情擺係我面前,我冇好好去珍惜,等到失去左嘅時候先識得後悔莫及,人世間最痛苦嘅事莫過於此。


疊馬錫 2020-12-3 02:24:01 比個機會我,我想做好人
prokofiev 2020-12-4 01:40:28 I remember going to Winter Wonderland with you where we went on one of the thrill rides which was very tall. It was for eight people only; four people at the top and four at the bottom. Then it kept circling. Do you remember? You were quite nervous because when we were queuing, I was talking to you but you were suddenly silent.
春天的袋鼠 2020-12-4 14:54:38 May the force be with you
prokofiev 2020-12-6 20:13:40 I used to have a Siberian husky who grew up with me. He died at the age of fourteen in twenty fifteen. I now have a lop bunny and three turtles; they're one Mexican musk turtle and two Red-eared sliders. My sister has a Pekingnese. Rabbits are orey animals which means they're everybody else's lunch in nature. A dog barking, a child shouting, a fire engine siren wailing, an ambulance siren wailing, an airplane roaring overhead and a lightning storm can frighten rabbits. Therefore, walking a rabbit on a leash isn't recommended. Indoor rabbits have a much longer lifespan than outdoor rabbits because they're protected from poor weather conditions and enemies. They feel safe, protected, monitored, sheltered and that they're part of the family! The average lifespan of am indoor house rabbit is eight to fourteen years whereas that of a rabbit kept in an outdoor hutch or cage is three to six years. The happiest rabbit expression is called binky. When a rabbit binkies, it jumps into the air and twists its head and body in the opposite direction before falling back to the ground. A haply bunny even twirls, flops, shakes its head and stretches its legs. S these are telling you that it's happy and overall pleased with you and its life. Rabbits produce two types of droppings: fecal pellets and cecal pellets (aka cecoteopes). The former are the dry, round ones you usually see in the litterbox while the latter are edible for rabbits which contains essential nutrients. Rabbits are one of the most abandoned pets in the world. In fact, rabbits are the third most abandoned pets in the United States because people don't understand rabbits and think that they're boring and that they don't bond with humans. Rabbits are highly intelligent, social and affectionate animals. While they don't like to be picked up from the ground, they much prefer to be petted and cuddled while they're on the ground or in your lap. When people say they wanna have a pet rabbit, I usually advise them to visit the rabbit society and choose a rabbit for adoption.
唉濕撚曬唉唔撚驚 2020-12-6 20:32:53 我京一唔會輸俾同一個人 twice
prokofiev 2020-12-22 13:42:34 Hollister offers you a discount of thirty percent if you spend over four hundred dollars in a single transaction. Zara gives you a twenty percent discount if you buy two pairs of mom shorts or mom jeans. Hollister gives a forty percent discount on the red sweatshirts for men. It also offers a thirty five discount on a white puffer jackets until the end of the week. Zara gives a discount of up to twenty five percents on the slim fit chinos until the end of next month. It also offers discounts of fifty percent on all skinny fit chinos and slim fit jeans. There's a discount of fifty percent on the black quilted jackets. There's also a twenty five discount on all swimming trunks. In Uniqlo, students receive forty percent discounts on all Heattech crew neck and V-neck t-shirts. University students get a discount of ten percent on the beige sweaters (the beige jumpers). The price of the beige sweaters without discount is around five hundred dollars. The price with discount is only four hundred and seventy dollars. These discounts apply to only students. The discount on the beige sweaters (the beige jumpers) applies only to university students. Hollister is offering discounts of up to fifty percent on all puffer jackets, denim jackets and down coats. Zara is also giving a thirty percent discount on all slim fit chinos for men. I purchased a pair of sky blue swimming trunks at a big discount. My cousin also bought a pair if red high heels, a pair of mom shorts and a red swimsuit or bathing suit at deep discounts.
prokofiev 2020-12-22 16:28:48 I suggest that you read "Turtles and Tortoises" at your leisure. I also suggest that Eleanor reads this wonderful book. I too suggest that Jeremy buys this outstanding book. I suggest that Isaac purchases this marvelous book. I suggest that Selena read this wonderful guide to turtles and tortoises at her convenience. I suggest that Christina buy this fascinating book as well. I suggest that Scarlett purchase this excellent book too. I suggest this outstanding book to you. Feel free to read it at leisure. It's a fascinating guide to turtles and tortoises written by James Riley, Scarlett Jones, Christina Riley, Selena Aguilera, Dua Johansson, Leonardo Lipa, Leonard Gomez, Joseph Riley, Zooey Gordon-Levitt, Isaac Bernstein, Avril DiCaprio, Eleanor da Vinci, Eleanor Dion, Celine Riley, Susannah Jones, James Ferguson, Craig Johansson, Susanna Jones, Seven-Eleven and the property developer.
prokofiev 2021-1-3 12:23:06 Last night, I sent an angel to watch over you while you were sleeping but it came back early! So I asked why? It said that angels do not watch over other angels.
如果癡癡的等 2021-1-3 13:06:24 Push
食蝙蝠啦你 2021-1-3 13:10:16 此回覆已被刪除


prokofiev 2021-1-25 18:10:43 I've just got out of an onsen, toweled off and am getting dressed.
prokofiev 2021-1-25 18:11:09 I've just got out of a jacuzzi, dried myself off and am getting dressed.
prokofiev 2021-1-25 18:11:35 I've just got out of an onsen, dried myself on a towel and am dressing.
Eggroll 2021-1-25 22:20:49 我打飛機添呀