追風箏的野孩子 2020-9-20 15:07:09


允行- 2020-9-20 15:10:17 貢貢咪麼麼
prokofiev 2020-9-20 16:06:45 I'm an oboist. Over the last several years, I've performed a few times which have won great international acclaim in the press, including Southern Daily, South China Morning Post, Japan Times Online, Japan Today and many other cultural websites. My last several concerts attracted capacity audiences. Every time I finished playing the last encore, the audiences clapped and cheered loudly. Recently, I was being interviewed on a news television channel for the first time for promoting a recital of mine. I was a little nervous since it was my first time being interviewed on television but I enjoyed it. I enjoy performing to an enthusiastic audience and teaching oboe in terms of poetic depth.
羽蛇 2020-9-20 16:12:34 姐係 Samuel Jackson所有戲😂😂
羽蛇 2020-9-20 16:13:04 俊? 邊撚度俊呀 睇過?
制裁11人 2020-9-20 16:13:55 此回覆已被刪除
羽蛇 2020-9-20 16:14:36
羽蛇 2020-9-20 16:15:34 膊頭有花嘅全部同我入黎!
羽蛇 2020-9-20 16:17:58 so that we can pick ourselves up
羽蛇 2020-9-20 16:19:18 What do you need?
Guns, lots of guns
暢快肉棒體驗 2020-9-20 16:23:20


消防忌廉哥 2020-9-20 16:47:15 此回覆已被刪除
可羅兒 2020-9-20 16:59:54 唔返工 你養我呀?
五經無雙 2020-9-20 19:53:16 暫時未有計劃住,近排主力睇詩經,不過都多謝你先。
情陷夜西環 2020-9-21 07:14:44 I don't who you are
But I will find you
And I will kill you
フランキー 2020-9-21 07:20:12 月經 post
無賓周既樹窿 2020-9-21 07:38:12 你大我啊!
艾加 2020-9-23 07:06:37 啲女都比你地溝曬啦
IP都唔駛Check 2020-9-23 07:28:33 I am your father
prokofiev 2020-9-25 15:44:09 You've madd the right decision to do a facial.
prokofiev 2020-9-25 15:44:30 You've made the right decision to get a facial.


prokofiev 2020-9-25 15:44:51 You've made the right decision to have a facial.
prokofiev 2020-9-25 15:45:11 You've made the right decision to go for a facial.
prokofiev 2020-9-25 15:45:40 Can't wait for things to go back to normal so you and I can adventure again.
prokofiev 2020-9-25 15:46:04 I'm sitting in a ramen restaurant thinking about all the food I've just ordered.