prokofiev 2020-9-17 20:32:54 Just ask the property developer and Seven-Eleven.


靈格斯 2020-9-17 20:37:08 Somebody PLEASEEEEE get this man a gun
prokofiev 2020-9-17 20:37:58 For the time being, I don't suggest schools and colleges should resume classes amid the pandemic of coronavirus. I don't think school and university classes should resume during the coronavirus pandemic.
prokofiev 2020-9-17 20:39:05 In the meantime, classes shouldn't resume in schools and colleges amidst the outbreak of coronavirus. Students shouldn't resume school classes for the time being.
蠱滑鼠(壞) 2020-9-17 20:53:11 邊有學校唔俾食煙㗎!
涼茶舖USB 2020-9-18 00:00:08 葉嵐 同你一齊呢段時間 我真係好開心
但我諗 我地呢個夢 係時候要醒啦
prokofiev 2020-9-18 10:12:30 Just ask Eleanor and Tito in January or February.
RemusLupin 2020-9-18 14:58:45 係愛呀哈利
prokofiev 2020-9-18 16:17:08 Just ask Eleanor Dion, Eleanor Lavigne, Tito DiCaprio, Seven-Eleven and the property developer in January or February.
prokofiev 2020-9-18 16:17:42 Project the melody. As you play, lean your right hand to the right....to a less extent.
咭咭三比靈zz 2020-9-18 16:21:48 我鄭重地宣佈,呢個山上面所有嘅野都係我嘅,包括你!


iamsoalone 2020-9-18 16:27:02 屌你老母亞視黎嘅喂
始祖魔王阿諾斯 2020-9-18 16:42:44 我琴晚唔應該話你條女係雞
AAPL! 2020-9-18 17:12:42 省鳩我?
DLLMEAA 2020-9-18 17:21:43
prokofiev 2020-9-18 21:48:14 You've made the right decision to do a facial.
prokofiev 2020-9-18 21:48:38 You've made the right decision to get a facial.
prokofiev 2020-9-18 21:49:00 You've made the right decision to have a facial.
城大連piece雅 2020-9-18 21:54:53 我要追返我失去左既時間
REY 2020-9-18 21:55:37 This is from Matilda
REY 2020-9-18 21:56:20 My aunt used to live in Paris


ckt3534 2020-9-18 22:17:22 你大我呀?
窩利抽射 2020-9-18 22:18:30 高尚情操
笑傲連登 2020-9-18 22:23:42 想問你識唔識一個叫Mi~Ke~ Chan 嘅人?
若言丶 2020-9-18 23:34:36 佢同我講 唔知點解最近睇所有野都好似越來越慢
個陣時我就知道 係佢越來越快