薄扶林大學討論區(37) 瘋狂討論hall results
±on9 2020-9-26 22:38:15 點整


Empoleon 2020-9-26 23:04:08
ElonMusk大弟子 2020-9-26 23:10:50 投訴有冇用 集體投訴班食蕉
外星bb 2020-9-26 23:16:04 過左數去你張信用卡到 然後可以用你信用卡銀行ebank 嘅交賬單方式交
啱啊 2020-9-26 23:16:17 請班食蕉黎量體溫架咋
XiangGangU悔終生 2020-9-26 23:18:34 此回覆已被刪除
Polyglott 2020-9-26 23:31:59 BLNM
殘障 2020-9-27 00:06:59 啲黑人實q咁撚大隻都冇撚用
DaisyJohnson 2020-9-27 00:29:28 黑人9企喺到jm9 食蕉啦
藍色幽 2020-9-27 05:07:41
Firsthonla 2020-9-27 11:10:02 此回覆已被刪除


狗嘅一腳踢 2020-9-27 23:27:18
Qbear 2020-9-28 14:42:26
愛情波函數 2020-9-28 15:09:02 此回覆已被刪除
最後的茱麗葉 2020-9-28 17:49:53 無知一問 係咪都可以儲到Asia miles?
Qbear 2020-9-28 18:04:13 會有surcharge同俾人de reg add/drop唔到
唔洗咁掛 2020-9-28 18:31:52
迷途小灰鳩 2020-9-28 18:42:23
Dear students and colleagues,

Following a regular review of the latest situation, the University management has decided to reinstitute stricter access control measures for the University’s Main Campus and Centennial Campus.

Students and staff are reminded to bring their valid UID cards and visitors should produce relevant documents when coming onto campus through all entrances as authorised personnel may perform checks as needed. Visitors without relevant supporting documents may be required to provide personal particulars for our records.


問佢有冇UID 嗰時
春香閣下 2020-9-28 18:44:24 通常繳費係儲唔到回贈

但係張張卡唔同,有少數卡 (e.g. enjoy card / 匯豐金卡) 可以儲到,詳情你要望望啲terms and conditions
大你佬Ray 2020-9-29 00:13:10 此回覆已被刪除
日本交流生 2020-9-29 16:08:24 其實@hku.hk 同@connect.hku.hk有咩分別


257438 2020-9-29 19:33:00 咁多負評

大你佬Ray 2020-9-29 20:42:42 此回覆已被刪除
唔實用純愛薄本 2020-9-29 23:21:13
對鬼戰馬 2020-9-30 01:34:39 此回覆已被刪除