薄扶林大學討論區(37) 瘋狂討論hall results
德輔道中 2020-8-24 22:37:35 same


雖心 2020-8-24 23:05:25 非港大學生到此一遊
我與貍奴不出門 2020-8-25 00:37:55 此回覆已被刪除
優之良品棉花糖 2020-8-25 04:34:16
漫威 2020-8-25 10:24:03 屌 想報最摺既hall都唔得
陽光柒頭 2020-8-25 11:50:27
淳于白 2020-8-25 11:55:52 有幾個fd apply sjc都入唔到
風花起落 2020-8-25 12:06:56 此回覆已被刪除
美肛圖案 2020-8-25 13:49:36 有冇人知re exam係計返幾多%
同埋re exam考同一份卷定新出
旋律標誌970X 2020-8-25 14:22:44 偉倫報就收咁際睇返cedars
王菲(孤寂) 2020-8-25 14:42:28 此回覆已被刪除


髮型撚 2020-8-25 14:52:14 想問下大約幾時要交學費
春香閣下 2020-8-25 15:07:44 for freshman:

The first instalment of composition fee is payable upon registration. Please refer to the due date on the student invoice. Tentatively, the due date is at the end of September 2020 for the balance of the first instalment.

風花起落 2020-8-25 15:55:56 此回覆已被刪除
花三爺 2020-8-25 15:58:07 此回覆已被刪除
淳于白 2020-8-25 16:31:35 其實sjc係點
好似一個傳說嚟,除咗non local仲收咩人
王菲(孤寂) 2020-8-25 16:41:34 此回覆已被刪除
自私窮 2020-8-25 16:59:26 sum sem 多數幾時放grade
淳于白 2020-8-25 17:22:21 可能真係好champ
薄扶林微積分 2020-8-27 08:46:40
春香閣下 2020-8-28 10:15:15 Sept 1-21: all courses will be delivered online only.

Sept 22 – Nov 30: all courses with either ‘f2f’ or ‘mixed’ as the delivery mode (view under ‘course attributes’ in SIS) will provide an f2f option.

S1 as a whole: all courses will be available online throughout S1, and every student will have the option of completing S1 online. No student will be required to return to campus for f2f classes in S1.

Final exams: all final exams will take place online.



蕃茄炒蛋26 2020-8-28 12:27:38 有冇人知呢排學校書店有冇開
春香閣下 2020-8-28 13:24:13 疫情期間無見過佢閂

不過HKU press shop就閂咗好耐
唔想我再咁痴身 2020-8-28 13:27:43 Lecture online但tutorial f2f
Solidays 2020-8-28 14:27:04 本身個course係online ,但tutorial都要返去?