LIHKG (I/A) Eve Echoes 真正既星戰開波啦
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 08:18:00 你係右邊眼仔到禁mining 佢就會列晒d礦位出黎


地剷霸權 2020-8-31 08:19:29 開ser頭個幾星期都仲勉強入到(都要瘋狂禁)
數字遊戲 2020-8-31 08:20:45
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 08:21:01 我而家都唔敢一個人打ananomalies

建議想打ananomalies 真係要組隊/係自己地頭星系打
怒摸 2020-8-31 08:21:21 我行左好多地圖都係得個衛星
怒摸 2020-8-31 08:26:11 飛船採得既石
數字遊戲 2020-8-31 08:33:06 通常係交易站 兩個jump外就有得mining
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 08:33:17 大陸仔想攪我地地頭

Dear members,
We are finally here in Querious, and we have been facing challenges lately. I wish to give you an update of the current security issues in Querious and share our plans in the coming week.

**Alliance reaction towards invasion of Chinese Corps**
The alliance notice the recent disturbance from Chinese Corps and please be assured that we are out numbering them and we are taking active measures to eliminate the threats in near future. We are not required to send fleets to support atm.
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 08:34:16 網易係代工
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 08:34:47 呢個我都唔知

Thx bro


地剷霸權 2020-8-31 09:03:58
誰吻別過河童 2020-8-31 09:57:07 樓主我想入你個盟 要點做?
誰吻別過河童 2020-8-31 10:30:51 巴打我申請左你個盟

Id:Erwian Star
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 10:57:28 係GAME 入面申請,打句LIHKG, 然後呢到留ID
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 10:57:57 APPROVED
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 10:58:26 仲要自己去MAIL接受OFFER
Buri_buri 2020-8-31 11:08:13 升錯技能哂左d skill points點搞
同埋可唔可以雙修, 又升industry, 又升combat果邊??
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 11:36:58 好似無得攪(不過你唔好點錯幾十個鐘個D,其實唔大影響)(就算點錯幾十個鐘個D,呢隻GAME玩好多年,過多排都唔大影響)

最好唔好,COMBAT 應該係用最多SP既

如果想玩INDUSTRY,建議另開一個AC 好過
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 12:43:08
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 13:30:29


地剷霸權 2020-8-31 13:42:41
宇宙賤男戴禾浩 2020-8-31 13:50:59 Plex升到80000isk
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 13:59:02
地剷霸權 2020-8-31 14:03:06 90000了