澳洲移民 你問我答 (15)
十把刀 2020-9-22 18:02:35 咁我7左搵唔到 sor


Send_Nuke 2020-9-22 22:26:34
hidden-IT-dog 2020-9-22 23:06:49 巴打請問一下,如果公司可以搞到186 or 482 visa. 我同女友就來註冊, 如果grants再visa再加返去入個visa second applicant得唔得?定係要註冊左,申請嗰時加定佢入list? 另外女友英文唔好有無影響?我自己應該可以exempt到english proficient test. 唔得去考返ielts都應該好簡單.
就算你壯闊胸膛 2020-9-22 23:44:38 我唔係擔心個title, 而係job duties 個description , 因為我咁多年雖然title升左,但duties都無乜變...我唔知點寫好,因為升左幾個title 都做同一樣野,驚人地唔信
十把刀 2020-9-22 23:46:20 Duties你公司寫咩你咪係咩囉

就算你壯闊胸膛 2020-9-22 23:49:25 驚人地唔信
Hk腎女 2020-9-23 00:32:02 想問下有冇讀Aerospace Engineering master 既U 介紹下? 同當地既就業情況係點?
螺旋藻 2020-9-23 06:39:03 由巴,真心多謝,我d問題咁specific都幫手解答

另外有幾個問題想double confirm :-

1. Double confirm 手揸485 果五年可以一直排190?(sorry因為我lee到之前見有人話唔可以,所以搞到好亂)

2. Double confirm nsw190同491 係咪暫時都係只需要係skillselect直接submit,之後州政府係果到自己揀人? (唔似act同sa咁自己有system要另外apply)

3. 我如果去sydney讀tafe,係咪只需要full time讀一年(當木匠la),就可以申請港人485?(2016 UNSW engine畢業有冇得計一年?)想用最少成本,master 可免則免暫時...

4. 另外say我香港工作捱多一年夠85分,之後立即去nsw讀tafe(揸住student visa?),讀書期間(not 485 holder yet)可唔可以繼續排onshore 190?in case 有邀請又可唔可以要?(sorry我又係之前見過唔同答案所以唔肯定,同知道nsw偏愛onshore同有onshore experience,所以如果可以for我會比較critical, for planning)
螺旋藻 2020-9-23 06:40:43 我當然知道自己做緊咩,問緊咩
Christensen 2020-9-23 10:27:07 3. 讀書一定要兩年,要扣credit一定要相關科目,第二,學歷downgrade讀既話你gte要寫得好,否則有拒簽visa風險
由我 2020-9-23 18:06:01 1 以我所知可以,邊度話唔可以?

2 可以咁講。

3 當然唔係,要讀夠2年。

4 Technically 可以,雖然希望有D渺茫。


由我 2020-9-23 18:07:50 你睇番我講engine個facebook post。

由我 2020-9-23 18:09:33 唔通acs搵人鏟上你公司問
由我 2020-9-23 18:10:50 如果grants再visa再加返去入個visa second applicant得唔得?



我自己應該可以exempt到english proficient test.
由我 2020-9-23 18:11:15 有。But why?
由我 2020-9-23 18:12:36
由我 2020-9-23 18:12:47 可以。
由我 2020-9-23 18:13:23
hidden-IT-dog 2020-9-23 18:14:55 1. 女友想遲幾個月過去.
2. Secondary applicants
4. 人工過左某個數,應該可以exempt.
十把刀 2020-9-23 18:21:59 所以只要係佢公司證明佢真係做果堆野就無問題
5天氣不似預期 2020-9-23 19:03:32


鐵馬戰車房 2020-9-23 19:49:32 我記得由我巴講過 如果以前係澳洲讀過可以計1年?
唔知係咪淨係講緊本身有bachelor 再讀master既case

我見都有d master係一年至一年半,同埋兩年既科都可以tran credit。扣完唔夠兩年應該都可以申請485?
Christensen 2020-9-23 21:08:23 原來
Credit for prior learning may reduce the amount of study undertaken.

Example: If your course is CRICOS-registered for 138 weeks (3 years) and has 24 equal weighted units, you will have completed 2 academic years when you have successfully completed 16 units of that course. This means you can use study credits of up to 8 units and still complete 2 academic years of study.

You cannot count the credited units towards meeting the Australian study requirement if:

you are already using them towards meeting the Australian study requirement as part of another course

you received the credit for study within Australian in a non-CRICOS registered course

you received the credit for study completed overseas

Credit for study of non-award courses or study completed overseas can only be used to the extent it is accepted by your education provider as part of ‘recognised prior learning’ (RPL) and cannot be used to meet the Australian study requirement directly.
螺旋藻 2020-9-23 21:18:55 巴打都想去讀master轉485?
螺旋藻 2020-9-23 21:21:36 之前都見lee到有人話master有程序可以讀少一,甚至兩個see,不過唔知咁可唔可以485