[ORBIT] LOOΠΔ 本月少女討論區 (19) - 하슬야 널 항상 기다려요
田姬振 2020-9-29 23:11:47


HaSeul 2020-9-29 23:12:45 佢個vod係咩形式?
田姬振 2020-9-29 23:14:27 咁睇嚟真係Con完咗先收到貨
田姬振 2020-9-29 23:17:23 What is a VOD?
VOD (Video On Demand) is a replay service that allows users to access videos without a traditional video playback device and the constraints of a typical static broadcasting schedule.

Please be advised that the VOD will be released after the Korea Media Rating Board reviews the contents; this may take some time and you will be notified before the VOD is released.

Kindly note that not all performances from the online concert may be included in the VOD service due to copyright issues.

Will the VOD be available to watch forever? Infinitely?
The VOD will be announced on a later date, and be available for 2 months from the point of release.
HaSeul 2020-9-29 23:18:55 兩個月⋯⋯應該有人錄

live+md bundle就夠啦
根本岸久on99 2020-9-29 23:20:44 唔知點解俾唔到錢 有無人同我一樣ar
小狗裕姝 2020-9-29 23:26:31
田姬振 2020-9-29 23:35:24 成唔成功?未買幫唔到你仲考慮緊個VOD
ChoiYerim 2020-9-29 23:58:11 依家洗費平過以前親身飛過去,不過唔想課
根本岸久on99 2020-9-30 00:00:52 一齊買囉 當捐10鎂俾BBC
KimTaeYeon 2020-9-30 08:42:17 好靚


人生可否重來 2020-9-30 15:40:06 有香港人
田姬振 2020-9-30 16:41:48 https://twitter.com/loonapress/status/1311004371619110914
今朝起身睇到個PO就即刻買咗 班囡咁努力練習 你地課咗未

btw我比錢冇遇到咩問題 係咪未打Billing Address?
田姬振 2020-9-30 16:42:38 https://twitter.com/loonapress/status/1311003160211845121
便利店特輯 Gowon主場
田姬振 2020-9-30 16:43:05 https://twitter.com/gointosubbit/status/1311121160130748417
田姬振 2020-9-30 16:49:17


係啊 團內唯一一個外國人 香港代表VIVI
人生可否重來 2020-9-30 16:53:59
田姬振 2020-9-30 18:32:14

HaSeul 2020-9-30 23:00:44
HaSeul 2020-9-30 23:01:11
HaSeul 2020-9-30 23:02:16


田姬振 2020-9-30 23:09:01 https://twitter.com/cosmorabbit_/status/1310873411757862913
小狗裕姝 2020-9-30 23:11:50 Hyejoo
ChoiYerim 2020-9-30 23:21:07 BBC係咪計劃每個成員都要染一次自己代表色?

田姬振 2020-9-30 23:27:58