Canon用戶討論區(20) 一闊三大
幻覺嚟嘅 2020-8-16 14:23:29 大3元支支升成千


麥馬拿文(利) 2020-8-16 16:37:22 此回覆已被刪除
麥馬拿文(利) 2020-8-16 16:38:33 此回覆已被刪除
我叫做大雄 2020-8-16 17:48:00 好在上星期入左 1535
麥馬拿文(利) 2020-8-16 17:50:33 此回覆已被刪除
你好說聲早 2020-8-16 18:30:03 過相d相會低質左?
向上 2020-8-16 18:34:02 如果會 應該會比人屌到上月球
泊松分佈 2020-8-16 21:26:15 見到另一個留言解釋多一點呢個現象,長知識

When the aperture has to close down to take a photo, a lens can shift the focus during the aperture closing. Sony and Nikon choose to mitigate this by focusing at the specified aperture. Canon chose to build more expensive lenses that does not shift focus during aperture closing which means using a poorly designed lens on Canon can result in slight mis-focuses while on the Sony/Nikon you will get in general not as good AF performance due to stopped down focus. It's just different solutions to a problem and neither methods are superior to each other, they're just different.
向上 2020-8-16 21:36:09
所以點解rf鏡 越來越大支。
如果副廠唔咁做 咪會out focus?
幻覺嚟嘅 2020-8-16 22:29:44 All Hail 原廠
我不是觀眾 2020-8-17 00:24:27 7月廿幾號 $13000入左
機都未到 買左鏡先


真心有禮 2020-8-17 01:07:29 早買平幾舊
華拉利好行唔送 2020-8-17 11:21:52 諗住入手一兩張UHS-II SD Card俾R6用
Sony Tough嘅M Series夠唔夠做

定係要去到G Series

同埋SanDisk Extreme Pro好
Or Sony Tough好啲?
reganlam 2020-8-17 12:11:44 M寫入太慢了
粟米六粒飯 2020-8-17 16:16:02 r6 嘅話 v60都應該handle到 wor
reganlam 2020-8-17 16:48:57 所以更沒必要買m
向上 2020-8-17 17:39:31 我唔拍片
R5 用 R170 W90 Extreme Pro都影到近百張(raw+ hign jpg)先停。
比脷 2020-8-17 17:58:19 Canon報左枝16-35,整ring 976,叫做係預期之內,前玉少花唔覺眼就3200,只整ring算了
向上 2020-8-17 18:04:18 976 ok la.
公粉洋碲甲 2020-8-17 18:59:02 呢個問題舊鏡好常見
無無謂謂 2020-8-17 21:55:14 50L


無無謂謂 2020-8-17 21:56:04 本身buffer 多嘛,要睇埋用幾耐clear 晒啲buffer
向上 2020-8-17 22:42:02
清50張raw +jpg 大約半分鐘
其實機個buffer 好撚大, 唔粗用 其實垃圾卡都得。
幻覺嚟嘅 2020-8-18 13:10:29

LR終於開到 R5啲CR3
無無謂謂 2020-8-18 14:03:51 正呀