[桌球] 世界桌球錦標賽 2020 (11)
汕尾已扯 2020-8-15 20:49:23 冇wo


一胖毁所有 2020-8-15 20:49:27 靚開波
孫銘謙(左閘) 2020-8-15 20:49:43 ching未睇過
Pc-Zard(蒙面) 2020-8-15 20:49:53 久違嘅觀眾掌聲真係正到
翠西●麥克格雷迪 2020-8-15 20:50:00 bbc 好唔清
電台司令頭 2020-8-15 20:50:08 佢坐幾多碌
Sherlockhomes 2020-8-15 20:50:11 散曬
黃色戰鬥士 2020-8-15 20:50:12
一胖毁所有 2020-8-15 20:50:16 仲有咳聲 同 come on ronnie
連加特別勁 2020-8-15 20:50:23 邊有話過佢set snooker唔啱 係講緊佢唔應該話人尊重佢
btw 殘體字
平反步步高 2020-8-15 20:50:45 但係selby角度oso 9救其實係益左佢先岩, 真係無理由投訴


噢花賣爹巴弟 2020-8-15 20:51:11 https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2020/08/14/ronnie-osullivan-responds-mark-selbys-claims-disrespect-world-snooker-championship-semi-final-13131588/amp/

Selby said after the match: ‘During the match I felt like it was a little bit disrespectful the way he played, every time I got him in a snooker he just got down and hit the balls 100mph and could have gone anywhere

‘I dunno, if he was just in that frame of mind, but I felt it was a little disrespectful to me at the table, but last three frames he played great, I’ve got no complaints.

‘Not reckless, just disrespectful to me. Sometimes if you’ve got no shot you get down and hit them as hard as you can and hope you fluke one.

I think it’s disrespectful to the game and disrespectful to me in that particular match.’

Presented with Selby’s accusation, O’Sullivan seemed surprised at first, but then explained that he is simply terrible at getting out of snookers so he would rather have a thrash and challenge the opponent to make a break rather than give away a load of points failing to escape.

‘I don’t know what shots he was talking about,’ said O’Sullivan, before being presented with a failed attempt to escape a snooker on the pink.
電台司令頭 2020-8-15 20:51:42 iplayer高清喎
曾俊華(特首) 2020-8-15 20:51:43 今日張檯好似快左
劉以達 2020-8-15 20:52:09 大力救波又唔俾 怨婦到
Sherlockhomes 2020-8-15 20:52:12 差咁遠既
S.McTominay-39 2020-8-15 20:53:01 cue action 唔好啦
一胖毁所有 2020-8-15 20:53:07 算啦 輸左呻好合理
Oso 當年都話人不斷打safety
灣仔遊戲機城 2020-8-15 20:53:15 會唔會我地呢期睇得多OSO打波快,所以枱速快咗

BTW 應該有再熨過枱
Sherlockhomes 2020-8-15 20:53:19 芥蘭入局好時機
梁以辰 2020-8-15 20:53:23 cue action


Observer 2020-8-15 20:53:25 就係佢呢種態度先冇人想睇佢打snooker
PokerFace 2020-8-15 20:54:08 你都傻既我地話沙比磨從來都唔係講佢防守
係講佢個節奏 個節奏磨撚到人想熄電視
簡單D講OSO係2倍速 你老母傻9沙比0.25速

Oso心諗 老子9打都嬴,咁點?
連加特別勁 2020-8-15 20:54:10 睇嚟芥蘭啲Q可以超分
永瀆雲加 2020-8-15 20:54:12 cue action唔好