26歲警隊男文員被捕 涉討論區上載內部文件
冇閃閃人生唔完滿 2020-8-14 23:29:43 怕就怕好似施sir咁老屈啫


史提芬工作多 2020-8-14 23:29:43
かきはるか 2020-8-14 23:30:13 此回覆已被刪除
dsasd 2020-8-14 23:30:38
仆街唔記得落雨 2020-8-14 23:31:26 咁樣要停職 用電單車殺人就唔洗
蕉戲勃勃 2020-8-14 23:31:33 26歲又做分析/編碼工作,又無刑責,加上呢個時勢大把藉口點解無ref letter, 努力啲一定大把世界。去啱某啲公司或教育機構做IT
屌你鍾意啦 2020-8-14 23:32:22 Btw呢個係謝振中舊post舊名
衰軟必豬 2020-8-14 23:32:29 巴打?
萬能插打摏機 2020-8-14 23:32:30 此回覆已被刪除
inxwetrust 2020-8-14 23:33:09
衰軟必豬 2020-8-14 23:33:24 文員應該係,非狗


蕉戲勃勃 2020-8-14 23:33:51 咪就係
FukDaPopo 2020-8-14 23:34:04
鬆遲有道 2020-8-14 23:34:39 該條文的文本包括「取用」一詞。此詞意指在未獲授權的情況下使用電腦的情況。該詞與使用自己的設備的情況,格格不相入。



Section 11 of the Theft Ordinance (Cap 210), relating to burglary was amended by adding a new interpretive provision (s 11(3A)) in the following terms:

“The reference in subsection (2)(c) to doing unlawful damage to anything in a building includes—

(a) unlawfully causing a computer in the building to function other than as it has been established by or on behalf of its owner to function, notwithstanding that the unlawful action may not impair the operation of the computer or a program held in the computer or the reliability of data held in the computer;

(b) unlawfully altering or erasing any program, or data, held in a computer in the building or in a computer storage medium in the building; and

(c) unlawfully adding any program or data to the contents of a computer in the building or a computer storage medium in the building.”
快樂詩人黃豆豆 2020-8-14 23:35:00 鳩蛇
你咪嘈啦仆街 2020-8-14 23:35:11 仆街
老野辛巴 2020-8-14 23:35:30 巴打
傷心1999 2020-8-14 23:35:38 手足
七生報手足 2020-8-14 23:36:41 此回覆已被刪除
金黃閃電 2020-8-14 23:36:48 唔係話連登伺服器喺海外咩
冬秋夏春 2020-8-14 23:37:01 狗黎


人見人愛連登仔 2020-8-14 23:37:29
陳同佳 2020-8-14 23:38:22 此回覆已被刪除
Watchmen 2020-8-14 23:38:32 此回覆已被刪除
模形式 2020-8-14 23:38:53