永遠的壹 2020-10-1 11:08:59 Thanks for your patience. Here are the new things that we did in the latest update of the Bar 9.1
1.Adjust EQ for standard mode according the SRD v1.7.
2. Import patch for high frequency issue in ATMOS signal format.
3. Solve the problem that bar maybe cause crash after the upgrade may fail to read XML parameters.
4. Solve the problem that press the REAR key to set rear mute and SOD sometimes mute fail.
5. Solve the problem of Bluetooth connection abnormal in Ios14.
6. Modify the DOLBY/DTS VFD display according to the latest SRD.
7. Solve the problem that high frequency suddenly becomes low in volume.

其實我主要都係睇uhd disc多,但有個update點都好過無
至少睇netflix 唔洗煩駁第二部野去條bar到


接龍花生三友 2020-10-1 15:34:13 有無咩comment? 抵玩?
EKIM 2020-10-1 15:48:47 此回覆已被刪除
腦魔獨立 2020-10-1 15:54:34 到時一個翻身
太平紳屎 2020-10-1 16:48:43 十年前嘅款咪唔support 囉
腦魔獨立 2020-10-1 17:09:15 你定咖?
太平紳屎 2020-10-1 17:35:47 網站有講清楚㗎清

青蛙王子+ 2020-10-1 18:33:38 大型連鎖淨係識 播YouTube 係咁炸既戲同播歌, 想試功能/隻野去到幾多真係side 氣
EKIM 2020-10-1 18:35:00 此回覆已被刪除
青蛙王子+ 2020-10-1 18:40:07 我係APM 都見到 我覺得唔駁電視拎黎做PC SPRAKER 聽下歌都抵
腦魔獨立 2020-10-1 18:41:12 我指第日呀


EKIM 2020-10-1 18:47:45 此回覆已被刪除
青蛙王子+ 2020-10-1 18:49:36 我買完Q70又再想入對靚仔既2.0擺廳聽歌, 睇中KEF LSX 但好貴
EKIM 2020-10-1 18:57:22 此回覆已被刪除
青蛙王子+ 2020-10-1 18:58:32 左右喇叭可以唔使駁線, 又細又靚仔, kef 應該唔會差瓜
我有大JJ 2020-10-1 19:07:17 LSX咁我寧願買Devialet
青蛙王子+ 2020-10-1 19:10:35 好貴wo, 完全唔同一個LV
銅鑼灣奧蘇利雲 2020-10-1 19:33:58 我想問1500內有邊隻推薦
用緊nakamichi soundstation 7 lite

聽歌多,想要bass重少少,最好係開電視時個soundbar都會自動開/一直keep住on, 唔洗開電視又再要開個soundbar
EKIM 2020-10-1 20:20:24 此回覆已被刪除
銅鑼灣奧蘇利雲 2020-10-1 20:28:40 我記得無wifi 有光纖 3.5 藍牙 紅白線
底嗓好少 音質價錢黎講可接受 不過我覺得好過nakamichi soundstation7. 不過最大音量唔夠大,同埋無remote, 要手動係個soundbar禁大細聲
足球小子 2020-10-1 20:29:58 Q60T 同 YAS209 只係相差百幾蚊的話
Denon 216暫時放棄咗 因為都真係想要sub


EKIM 2020-10-1 20:31:29 此回覆已被刪除
DMM_AV破解員 2020-10-2 01:14:05 永遠都係呢兩隻難分難解
青蛙王子+ 2020-10-2 09:43:43 q60+後置應該贏?
心煩 2020-10-2 10:11:28 爭幾百
Denon s216