Federer93 2020-8-7 22:33:19 即係會做d咩?


小學都未讀過 2020-8-7 22:33:20 Good ball
魚翅航空無女 2020-8-7 22:33:25 Zhang Xiaoming, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council

Zhang Xiaoming is former Director and current Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, where he is in charge of daily operations. As Director, he backed the controversial 2019 Hong Kong extradition bill. He is designated for being a leader or official of a government entity that has engaged in, or whose members have engaged in, actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, or autonomy of Hong Kong.

Luo Huining, Director of the Hong Kong Liaison Office

Luo Huining is mainland China’s top official in Hong Kong, as the Director of the Hong Kong Liaison Office. The Liaison Office has claimed that it is entitled to intervene in Hong Kong affairs despite the Basic Law’s prohibition on interference in the affairs which the HKSAR administers in accordance with the Basic Law. Luo Huining is also a National Security Advisor to the Committee for Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong. He is designated for being a leader or official of a government entity that has engaged in, or whose members have engaged in, actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, or autonomy of Hong Kong.

Zheng Yanxiong, Director, Office for Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong

Zheng Yanxiong is the inaugural director of the newly created Office for Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong. The Office was established under the Hong Kong National Security Law and has broad powers to supervise local authorities and directly investigate major cases. As the Office’s Director, Zheng Yanxiong is designated for being a leader or official of a government entity that has engaged in, or whose members have engaged in, actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, or autonomy of Hong Kong.

Eric Chan, Secretary General, Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR

Eric Chan, the director of the Chief Executive Office, was appointed by Beijing to be the Secretary General of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security as recently established by the Hong Kong National Security Law. The Committee’s work is not to be made public and its decisions are not subject to judicial review. As such, Eric Chan is designated for being responsible for or involved in developing, adopting, or implementing the National Security Law.

The United States stands with the people of Hong Kong in their ongoing pursuit of freedom and democracy. The 11 individuals designated today have implemented policies directly aimed at curbing freedom of expression and assembly, and democratic processes, and are subsequently responsible for the degradation of Hong Kong’s autonomy. The United States will use the authorities in the Executive Order to continue to pursue those that implement these nefarious policies.
十八歲破石柱 2020-8-7 22:33:31 此回覆已被刪除
廢腦樑上君 2020-8-7 22:33:57 直接睇美國財政部網頁公布 :
上帝要你滅亡 2020-8-7 22:34:00 哇正呀
魚翅航空無女 2020-8-7 22:34:05 無best friend呀,點解呀
UST南亞仔 2020-8-7 22:34:14 Ching shouldn’t be your Twitter ....
老貓再世_ 2020-8-7 22:34:33
meowzilla2046 2020-8-7 22:34:36 hehe
牛脷酥油炸鬼 2020-8-7 22:34:36 Sir this way


date0 2020-8-7 22:34:40 此回覆已被刪除
Cattitude 2020-8-7 22:34:47 此回覆已被刪除
魚翅航空無女 2020-8-7 22:34:48 三萬隻,死未
陽霖 2020-8-7 22:34:54 申請定

S123456 2020-8-7 22:34:54 無姐姐
誰是贏家? 2020-8-7 22:34:56 比家超
ckt3534 2020-8-7 22:34:57 明天有幾多人一路行一路笑呀?
Somethink.More 2020-8-7 22:34:58 林鄭月娥,鄧炳強,盧偉聰,李家超,鄭若驊,夏寶龍,駱惠寧,張曉明,鄭雁雄等
UST南亞仔 2020-8-7 22:35:00 漏咗小明
尼斯堅斯 2020-8-7 22:35:05 此回覆已被刪除


魚翅航空無女 2020-8-7 22:35:08 唔怕,有粟米刁大頭相
屌你老鼠斑 2020-8-7 22:35:11 究竟正式左未架,快啦!
陌生的人人 2020-8-7 22:35:17 實際上都係無用, 只無俾我地自high 下
Brunhild 2020-8-7 22:35:18 因為唔係排第一