Kawhi2 2020-8-7 22:30:09 11 individuals, including Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam


蘋果廣告分享師 2020-8-7 22:30:16 會否禁止銀行同林鄭做交易??
百國聯軍 2020-8-7 22:30:36
爆炸嘴 2020-8-7 22:30:45
洛杉磯 2020-8-7 22:31:03 Push
UST南亞仔 2020-8-7 22:31:10 駱惠寧
人生滿希望 2020-8-7 22:31:11 唔好tum我開心
王騎 2020-8-7 22:31:12 solomon 話咗唔止一張名單
老貓再世_ 2020-8-7 22:31:22 lm
毛潤之 2020-8-7 22:31:29 你知唔知咩叫正式
魚翅航空無女 2020-8-7 22:31:30 剛剛好1打


Banksy 2020-8-7 22:31:32 https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm1088
根孫子 2020-8-7 22:31:35 帽事嘅
孖貓 2020-8-7 22:31:36 [url]https://sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov/Details.aspx?id=8266
向西村上春樹根 2020-8-7 22:31:37 https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/OFAC-Enforcement/Pages/20200807.aspx

CHAN, Eric (a.k.a. CHAN, Eric Kwok-ki; a.k.a. CHAN, Kwok-ki (Chinese Simplified: 陈国基; Chinese Traditional: 陳國基)), Flat F, 20 Floor, Block 2, Royal Ascot, Shatin, Hong Kong; DOB 05 Apr 1959; POB Hong Kong; nationality Hong Kong; Gender Male; National ID No. G142458A (Hong Kong); Secretary General, Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (individual) [HK-EO13936].

CHENG, Teresa (a.k.a. CHENG, Teresa Yeuk-wah; a.k.a. CHENG, Yeuk Wah), House No. 4, Villa De Mer, 5 Lok Chui Street, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong; DOB 11 Nov 1958; POB Hong Kong; nationality Hong Kong; Gender Female; Passport KJ0221326 (Hong Kong) issued 28 Jan 2012 expires 28 Jan 2022; National ID No. G579067A (Hong Kong); Secretary for Justice (individual) [HK-EO13936].

LAM, Carrie (a.k.a. LAM CHENG, Carrie Yuet-ngor; a.k.a. LAM CHENG, Yuet-ngor (Chinese Simplified: 林郑月娥; Chinese Traditional: 林鄭月娥)), Victoria House, No. 15 Barker Road, The Peak, Hong Kong; DOB 13 May 1957; POB Hong Kong; nationality Hong Kong; Gender Female; Passport KJ0505670 (Hong Kong) issued 13 Apr 2016 expires 13 Apr 2026; National ID No. D3356664 (Hong Kong); Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (individual) [HK-EO13936].

LEE, John Ka-chiu (a.k.a. LEE, John; a.k.a. LEE, Ka Chiu (Chinese Traditional: 李家超); a.k.a. "LI, Jiachao"), Flat A, 5/F, Block 2, King's Park Villa, No. 1 King's Park Rise, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong; DOB 07 Dec 1957; Gender Male; National ID No. G0286787 (Hong Kong); Secretary for Security (individual) [HK-EO13936].
藍海戰神 2020-8-7 22:31:57 好想睇喺香港用無人機分屍班狗官
小段~ 2020-8-7 22:32:06
Deep 2020-8-7 22:32:16


很想自由__ 2020-8-7 22:32:25
向西村上春樹根 2020-8-7 22:32:39 LO, Stephen (a.k.a. LO, Stephen Wai-chung; a.k.a. LO, Wai-chung (Chinese Traditional: 盧偉聰; Chinese Simplified: 卢伟聪)), Hong Kong; DOB 19 Nov 1961; POB Hong Kong; nationality Hong Kong; Gender Male; National ID No. E8586768 (Hong Kong) (individual) [HK-EO13936].

LUO, Huining (Chinese Simplified: 骆惠宁; Chinese Traditional: 駱惠寧), Hong Kong; DOB 05 Oct 1954; POB Dangtu, China; nationality China; Gender Male; National ID No. 340103195410053558 (China); Director, Hong Kong Liaison Office (individual) [HK-EO13936].

SOULEYMANE, Bi Sidi (a.k.a. ABASS, Sidiki; a.k.a. ABBAS, Sidiki; a.k.a. BI SIDI, Souleymane; a.k.a. SIDIKI, Abbas; a.k.a. SOULEMAN, Bi Sidi; a.k.a. SOULEMANE, Bi Sidi; a.k.a. SOULIMANE, Sidiki Abass; a.k.a. "Sidiki"), Central African Republic; DOB 20 Jul 1962; POB Bocaranga, Ouham-Pende prefecture, Central African Republic; nationality Central African Republic; alt. nationality Chad; alt. nationality Cameroon; Gender Male (individual) [CAR].

TANG, Chris (a.k.a. TANG, Ping-keung (Chinese Traditional: 鄧炳強)), 1 Arsenal Street, Hong Kong; DOB 04 Jul 1965; POB Hong Kong; nationality Hong Kong; Gender Male; Passport KJ0638810 (Hong Kong) issued 14 Oct 2017 expires 14 Oct 2027; National ID No. D4118015 (Hong Kong); Commissioner of Police (individual) [HK-EO13936].

TSANG, Erick (a.k.a. CENG, Guowei; a.k.a. TSANG, Erick Kwok-wai; a.k.a. TSANG, Kwok-wai (Chinese Traditional: 曾國衞; Chinese Simplified: 曾国卫); a.k.a. ZENG, Guowei), Flat 5F, Block 6, New Jade Gardens, Chaiwan, Hong Kong; DOB 01 Sep 1963; POB Hong Kong; nationality Hong Kong; Gender Male; National ID No. E9963190 (Hong Kong); Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs (individual) [HK-EO13936].
吳沚默(迷摩) 2020-8-7 22:32:46 此回覆已被刪除


向西村上春樹根 2020-8-7 22:32:53 XIA, Baolong (Chinese Simplified: 夏宝龙; Chinese Traditional: 夏寶龍), China; DOB 01 Dec 1952 to 31 Dec 1952; POB Tianjin, China; Gender Male; Director, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (individual) [HK-EO13936].

ZHANG, Xiaoming (Chinese Simplified: 张晓明; Chinese Traditional: 張曉明), China; DOB 03 Sep 1963; POB Taizhou, China; nationality China; Gender Male; National ID No. 11010819630903003X (China); Deputy Director, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (individual) [HK-EO13936].

ZHENG, Yanxiong (Chinese Simplified: 郑雁雄; Chinese Traditional: 鄭雁雄), Apt 608, 50 Huali Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510623, China; DOB 25 Aug 1963; POB Shantou, China; nationality China; Gender Male; Passport SE0226769 (China) issued 10 Aug 2016 expires 10 Aug 2021; National ID No. 440111196308254212 (China); Director, Office for Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong (individual) [HK-EO13936].
海龜先生 2020-8-7 22:32:59 sdn list都出左
誰是贏家? 2020-8-7 22:33:12
魚翅航空無女 2020-8-7 22:33:14 Carrie Lam, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

Carrie Lam is the chief executive directly responsible for implementing Beijing’s policies of suppression of freedom and democratic processes. In 2019, Lam pushed for an update to Hong Kong’s extradition arrangements to allow for extradition to the mainland, setting off a series of massive opposition demonstrations in Hong Kong. Lam is designated for being involved in developing, adopting, or implementing the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (National Security Law).

Chris Tang, Commissioner of Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)

Chris Tang, as the Commissioner of the HKPF, has enthusiastically supported the Hong Kong National Security Law. The HKPF besieged Hong Kong Polytechnic under his leadership, along with arresting hundreds of protestors. Chris Tang also sits upon the newly established Committee for Safeguarding National Security. He is designated for coercing, arresting, detaining, or imprisoning individuals under the authority of the National Security Law.

Stephen Lo, Former Commissioner of HKPF

Stephen Lo was the previous commissioner of the HKPF until 2019. Under his leadership, over 4,000 protestors were arrested and 1,600 injured in clashes. Stephen Lo is designated as a leader or official of a government entity whose members have engaged in activities to prohibit, limit, or penalize the exercise of freedom of expression or assembly in Hong Kong.

John Lee Ka-chiu, HKSAR Secretary for Security

John Lee Ka-chiu is the Secretary for Security in Hong Kong, where his office is responsible for all security-related policies. John Lee Ka-chiu is also a member of the Executive Council of the HKSAR government, an organ for assisting the Chief Executive in policy-making, and has introduced a new police unit dedicated to enforcing the Hong Kong National Security Law which will have intelligence gathering and investigation capabilities. He is designated for being involved in coercing, arresting, detaining, or imprisoning individuals under the authority of the National Security Law, as well as being involved in its development, adoption, or implementation.

Teresa Cheng, HKSAR Secretary for Justice

Teresa Cheng is the Secretary for Justice for Hong Kong. As head of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, Teresa Cheng has said that her major responsibility is implementing and safeguarding national security in the HKSAR. She is designated for being responsible or involved in developing, adopting, or implementing the National Security Law.

Erick Tsang, HKSAR Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs

In April, Erick Tsang assumed the post of Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland affairs, the office that maintains relations between the HKSAR government and mainland Chinese government. He is designated for being responsible for or involved in developing, adopting, or implementing the National Security Law.

Xia Baolong, Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council

In February 2020, Xia Baolong was announced as the newest Director for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, an organization within the State Council designed to assist the premier in dealing with affairs related to Hong Kong and Macao. The Office has stated that it is entitled to supervise affairs in Hong Kong, including implementation of the Basic Law of the HKSAR. Xia Baolong is designated for being a leader or official of a government entity that has engaged in, or whose members have engaged in, actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, or autonomy of Hong Kong.