[COYS-Welcome Højbjerg]熱刺球迷吹水區224
HugoLloris 2020-8-8 05:19:33 我寧願要Moura


丹尼路斯 2020-8-8 05:21:35 主席:

shenmue 2020-8-8 05:29:44 主又贏,又慳7,80M
Sonaldo7 2020-8-8 05:38:47 上年我真係以為可以簽到

人都去埋倫敦 就差埋門一腳 屌
HugoLloris 2020-8-8 05:51:26 有70 80m買Bale不如轟落右閘到
施素low 2020-8-8 11:49:17 此回覆已被刪除
HK仔 2020-8-8 12:47:00 上年我褲都除埋

30米利 2020-8-8 12:47:47 有佢可能肥普唔洗走 我地成績又好啲
奮進人 2020-8-8 14:03:53 此回覆已被刪除
湯羹(尚能飯否?) 2020-8-8 15:08:17 有佢真係唔使炒
shenmue 2020-8-8 15:20:32 有19000隻插水王都夠啦


湯羹(尚能飯否?) 2020-8-8 15:52:22
洪七公 2020-8-8 16:06:53 golf player
丹尼路斯 2020-8-8 16:28:57 明明bf轉眼變成gf
蔡英文(英妹) 2020-8-8 16:42:23 邊間教會
艾力臣迷采 2020-8-8 16:44:15
福斯的背叛 2020-8-8 16:46:32 抬頭前望去 對面bf如此吸引
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-8 17:27:09 原來之前靴爾堡被哥迪奧拿叫新布斯基斯

Despite his relative young age, Hojbjerg is not afraid to shy away. Pep Guardiola once said he could be the “Sergio Busquets of Bayern Munich”, before making the move to the Premier League when just out of his teens.
屌你alli 2020-8-8 17:34:31 咁唔好嚟啦 垃圾巴斯基斯
Foyth(就走) 2020-8-8 17:45:53 邊到廢
屌你alli 2020-8-8 17:50:30 做戲勁


反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-8 18:07:34 Juventus have already contacted Mauricio Pochettino to ask if he’ll replace Maurizio Sarri in Turin, claim Sportitalia, after their Champions League exit

奮進人 2020-8-8 18:18:38 此回覆已被刪除
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-8 20:16:08 BREAKING - Juventus has sacked Maurizio Sarri. Official statement soon. They'll go for a new manager. ⚪️⚫️ #Juventus @SkySport @DiMarzio
艾力臣迷采 2020-8-8 20:17:55 Breaking news