[COYS-Welcome Højbjerg]熱刺球迷吹水區224
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-17 19:48:33 佢啊哥去左西丙好耐啦


反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-17 19:50:06 因為我記得係雲高爾教佢

人生可否重來 2020-8-17 19:51:09
JoeLewis 2020-8-17 19:52:39 Welcome Fucking Ball
MarcusEdwards 2020-8-17 19:53:58 係佢一個出名無速度無把握力無頭鎚無走位嘅前鋒
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-17 19:55:25 Joe Hart will take a pay cut from the £50,000 he earnt at Burnley to £35,000 to complete his #thfc transfer. [The Times]
袈裟NIGGA 2020-8-17 20:00:46 佢想講脆
shenmue 2020-8-17 20:08:41 嫌貴有價講
HK仔 2020-8-17 20:22:19 咁唔怪得送IWC都要踢Vorm走,而家計埋每星期慳多5000
反利維痾 2020-8-17 20:53:36 太掛住佢...
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-17 21:02:05 朗奴高文教疤


小町月海 2020-8-17 21:05:55 肥普繼續抖
shenmue 2020-8-17 21:30:03 有糧出怕乜
shenmue 2020-8-17 22:02:32 「give me the fucking ball!!」

welcome joe hart
小町月海 2020-8-17 22:09:08 We have reached agreement with @QPR for the permanent transfer of Luke Amos.

Best of luck for the future, @Luke_Amos1! 👍

反利維痾 2020-8-17 22:10:25 Luke Amos 都幾肯定唔會有機會出
MarcusEdwards 2020-8-17 22:19:34 幾時先到Axxxx Geoxxxx 萬年青訓左翼
湯羹(尚能飯否?) 2020-8-17 22:40:21 鬼有人要
膠花 2020-8-17 22:53:10 季前熱身賽鄧腳專員
通輯大富豪 2020-8-17 22:54:58 此回覆已被刪除
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-18 00:12:39 Oliver Skipp has completed a season-long loan from Tottenham Hotspur to Norwich and confirmation is expected soon. [The Athletic] #THFC


小町月海 2020-8-18 00:25:57 咁耐嘅hart
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-18 00:31:50 #thfc Norwich city have paid a loan fee in excess of £1m for Oliver Skipp (@footyinsider247)
shenmue 2020-8-18 00:39:02 都未拍片
吉高由里子 2020-8-18 01:03:19 交換城城啦