[COYS-Welcome Højbjerg]熱刺球迷吹水區224
福斯的背叛 2020-8-13 23:25:53



火燒天 2020-8-13 23:37:48 rb會要科
S_Bergwijn(新23) 2020-8-13 23:47:24 科不嬲一線料
MarcusEdwards 2020-8-14 00:46:28 3場熱身閪波要比錢睇streaming 仲要得英國泡菜袋鼠有得睇

Streaming service is available in the UK, Republic of Ireland, South Korea and Australia only. Other supporters in these territories may purchase a three-game package for a one-off fee of £20 – or at the early-bird discounted price of £15 if ordered before 5pm on Monday 17 August. Single-game passes for use on any of the three matches will also be available for £10 each, should supporters opt to stream games on an individual basis.

Supporters who are not based in these territories will not be able to access these passes. However, information on broadcasters showing the matches in other territories will be confirmed in due course
Sonaldo7 2020-8-14 00:47:56 佢去坐下後備席順便當
辛坦拿 2020-8-14 01:30:17 好難相信Dybala仲會想黎
辛坦拿 2020-8-14 01:31:03 有情有義呀, 冇賣只係借,
Sonaldo7 2020-8-14 01:49:06 我真係打死都唔會再信利維會簽一個球星
shenmue 2020-8-14 01:56:38 成名球星嚟講
丹尼路斯 2020-8-14 02:18:53 主席買到大巴既話
再著上身自拍擺上tg gp又點話!
艾力臣迷采 2020-8-14 02:45:36 今年冇Audi cup捧



黑硬粗素素 2020-8-14 03:03:03 如果
同肥當互換接受到喎 至少佢仲當打好fit唔似古狗拜仁都唔要變人球
洪七公 2020-8-14 03:25:44 點解脆脆咁穩陣既
Sonaldo7 2020-8-14 03:27:16 上年怪錯脆了

脆走左先發現原來沒有最廢 只有更廢
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-14 03:28:09 低位加有人保護
舊時咁高位 佢邊跑到
艾力臣迷采 2020-8-14 04:01:54 Rb同踢我地果場一樣 一組織打穿半場就foul 等啲人回防
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-14 04:29:54 舊時肥普個陣都係用犯規解決
溫哥華陳浩南 2020-8-14 04:50:17 脆又柒
溫哥華陳浩南 2020-8-14 04:50:56 真係跑唔到
田中菜津美 2020-8-14 05:01:18 此回覆已被刪除
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-14 05:02:56 致命傷黎


田中菜津美 2020-8-14 05:14:42 此回覆已被刪除
溫哥華陳浩南 2020-8-14 05:21:25 upamecano守撚到老鼠仆街
田中菜津美 2020-8-14 05:24:18 此回覆已被刪除
反利維的細屎忽 2020-8-14 05:33:15 依2條友係最應該要反省個2個