正宗教練 2020-8-3 13:43:52 佢叫做咩鼠


蕉直相對 2020-8-3 13:44:43 鹿
岩佐真悠子 2020-8-3 13:46:26
跆拳道小王子 2020-8-3 13:46:44

香港好似係hku 見過一次咁大吧

正宗教練 2020-8-3 13:47:35 大家啲經歷同相好正,
岩佐真悠子 2020-8-3 13:48:38 hku後山有好多, 不過好少落地
正宗P牌教練 2020-8-3 13:49:05 一男一女在海灘上渾然天成
正宗教練 2020-8-3 13:51:13 唔記得咗仲有啲濕鳩松鼠
正宗教練 2020-8-3 13:52:50 香港嗰啲細膽型
今晚Hi狗李 2020-8-3 14:01:31
東鄉一二三 2020-8-3 14:11:49 大腳怪


我願榮光歸香港 2020-8-3 14:11:50 係calgary見過黑熊老母帶住隻熊仔
我願榮光歸香港 2020-8-3 14:17:08 係加拿大住宅區都見過黑熊
白只刻緊字 2020-8-3 14:17:44 我都係
我願榮光歸香港 2020-8-3 14:17:57 想去肯亞
瘋曾與風 2020-8-3 14:20:58
我願榮光歸香港 2020-8-3 14:23:27 雖然唔是野生 但最尾個隻鯨頭鸛真係好正
低血壓 2020-8-3 14:29:43 Same
亂世佳人 2020-8-3 14:30:59 都有GE,早排得閒係屋企附近影左陣

正宗教練 2020-8-3 14:31:37 Coquitlam?
葛珮帆立貝 2020-8-3 14:33:30 我都係



青木 2020-8-3 14:35:56 此回覆已被刪除
毅進馴獸師 2020-8-3 14:36:11 見過狼
失物認領 2020-8-3 14:39:21 邊度
prokofiev 2020-8-3 14:40:38 我喺日本見過狐狸,好靚。唔知幾時先有得去旅行呢...好掛住我個日本朋友Celine....My Japanese friend, Celine
is on her period so she cannot have cold drinks, coffee, ice cream and tomatoes right now. Her aunt flow is visiting. She has painful cramps right now so she's going to take a day of period leave. Her sister also feels bloated which means her period is going to come soon. She's had stomach cramps recently too but her period is late this month; it's one and a half weeks late. Today, she's being so emotional as it's that time of the month again. Her cousin, Jane missed her period so she might be pregnant. Her cousin's husband did his leg workout this morning during which he overtrained his legs so he's got cramps in his legs and right foot. Celine's brother will be attending a party this weekend but I won't be going with him for fear that I should cramp his style. I don't wanna put any pressure on him that would cramp his style. I don't want him to be under pressure which would cramp his style.