[林蛇跌入圈套] 車路士球迷祝福黑警死全家與支那滅黨討論區
寶福山雅治🎸 2020-8-1 00:26:06 干狗hea教排鳩陣咪畀利狗偷雞


死神柯南 2020-8-1 00:26:31 不嬲都當冇呢兩個人
首席文書主任 2020-8-1 00:27:57 過到干地都過唔到狼隊

死神柯南 2020-8-1 00:28:26 其實國米都上岸有歐聯 睇干爹拎唔拎冠立下威
最強翼衛摸西先 2020-8-1 00:30:55 好想快d叫kai狗
伊登夏殺 2020-8-1 00:33:03 減價啦屌

踢踢踢 踢乜撚歐霸
春袋有氣谷鳩氣 2020-8-1 00:34:47 幫利華踢歐霸係咪有得減價
火撚鳥 2020-8-1 00:38:24 啱嘅
屋企隻老虎乸 2020-8-1 00:39:53 細爆走甩十二碼唔講?on99
M.Mount(上位) 2020-8-1 00:44:35 劇本係干爹為咗報我地仇搵人鏟斷kai狗隻腳
速成輸入法 2020-8-1 00:47:35 干地啲歐洲賽成績好流


R.Falcao9 2020-8-1 00:49:48 聽日想睇美隊表演
伊登夏殺 2020-8-1 00:55:49 Feel到聽日電欺會踢得特別dirty
劍聖一心(用槍) 2020-8-1 00:56:58 為左做戰術大師
叫我手足就得 2020-8-1 01:00:23
叫我手足就得 2020-8-1 01:00:48 之前先想殺簡
Hanako 2020-8-1 01:02:10 Mount has rated his season a 7/10 but he has a chance to push it up to an eight with victory - and a goal - against Arsenal in FA Cup final

“It’s difficult,” said Mount. “But because I have got seven goals I will give myself seven out of 10. I’m a big self-critic and I know there is much room for improvement. I’ll keep getting better and better.”

“I always speak to my dad before a season starts and we set goals and one of those was 10 goals, so we haven’t reached that. It is what it is. Seven goals (in the Premier League) and five assists, so 10 goals and assists but the focus was on goals.

“Dad’s very hard on me and is my biggest critic, so 10 is always going to be the target. He has said that my whole life. If you are averaging 10 goals as a midfielder, you are having a good season. I fell a bit short, but that will be my goal next season. I will keep setting it until I achieve it and, hopefully, keep getting better and better at it.”
伊登夏殺 2020-8-1 01:03:05 成材吧!
湯洛文-卡勞 2020-8-1 01:04:54 又要鏟草
火撚鳥 2020-8-1 01:06:08 佢所講嘅Dad咪就係撚狗囉
Hanako 2020-8-1 01:06:39 應該會輸角球 雷狗剷草


叫我手足就得 2020-8-1 01:08:16 希望聽日daddy lam 就算正選冇安柏都出一出最後一戰了
湯洛文-卡勞 2020-8-1 01:14:30 柏度上場last game左
SuYuiMoa 2020-8-1 01:15:54 椰狗k角位斬波比添狗壓住雷蛇頂入
火撚鳥 2020-8-1 01:16:19 100% Lineup
RJ Rudiger Christiansen AZP
Kovacic Kante Barkley
Mount Giroud Pulisic