[Web][210]尼奧寵物Neopets! Banana Meets Doughnutfruit
宋go宗 2020-9-16 05:30:23 http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/topic.phtml?topic=160741305

So many premium users are upset by this year cc and cancelling their yearly subscription!


豉油大大滴 2020-9-16 10:06:06 是日food club bet
大家繼續good luck
Epona 2020-9-16 11:53:05 prize shop減價
Epona 2020-9-16 22:18:02 朱古力扑甚係新加乜food

Sw 999
香蕉果 2020-9-17 00:23:57 RICH
餘燼 2020-9-17 01:36:34

今年cc唔係換perk shop?
霧旅 2020-9-17 03:09:04 整咗個垃圾gift shop, reddit個個屌曬鬼

TNT話係因為Perk shop太多bug
香蕉果 2020-9-17 12:04:19
香蕉果 2020-9-17 12:05:13
餘燼 2020-9-17 12:52:37

一打唔使找 幫我轉交tnt 射射
Epona 2020-9-17 14:28:40 又有bug


愚昧的畢業生 2020-9-17 15:12:30 此回覆已被刪除
豉油大大滴 2020-9-17 19:06:11 是日food club bet
戴定頭盔先 今日落注係實驗性質

比著平時睇到今日咁既賠率我一定skip 但睇睇下覺得賠率鬼鬼地 所以想試試佢

主要黎講 就係:
1. harpoon Ned+3FA冇理由係踩住tailhook+1FA同Franchisco+3FA做大熱門 所以破天荒冇買大熱門
2. lagoon Edmund-1FA都開11:1

用戶名稱已經填上 2020-9-17 20:28:01

Epona 2020-9-17 20:36:02 賣咗SoL
用戶名稱已經填上 2020-9-17 20:47:24 Error: Captain Rourke bars your way. "Sorry my eager donators, the quick neopoints donation page is temporarily closed for inspections! Feel free to donate the traditional way from your inventory while we make sure everything is in ship shape."

Epona 2020-9-17 21:07:42 千祈唔好再捐
用戶名稱已經填上 2020-9-17 22:04:51 我重諗住試下會唔會捐到負數
香蕉果 2020-9-18 00:04:33 封利是比契仔
餘燼 2020-9-18 00:45:14 屌你老味tnt
係prize shop拎左果500points既話係咪都會變倒扣?
Epona 2020-9-18 02:11:12 Neopets is offline


愚昧的畢業生 2020-9-18 02:11:49 此回覆已被刪除
豉油大大滴 2020-9-18 19:55:03 是日food club bet
實驗失敗 希望今日止下血
維尼做不可能的事 2020-9-18 20:51:20 https://foodclub.neocities.org/#round=7805&b=ymownymyymywtyoyeefkwccaa

In Franchisco we trust
維尼做不可能的事 2020-9-18 21:02:52 啱啱入返,好想知sticky snowball呢幾年發生咩事