[英國線] 新Hashtag:#HKisGB — 叫英國攞返香港主權 !
2020-7-30 22:21:02


2020-7-30 22:22:11
DD.DD 2020-7-30 22:23:20 雖然諗法好理想,但係唔好發夢啦
倒不如早D renew本BNO仲實際啦
Genzo 2020-7-30 22:46:07 聽日出埋新聞先啦
Genzo 2020-7-30 22:47:29 而家英國企晒喺美國嗰邊, 我就真係覺得英國唔係你講到咁肯定唔會做

而且就算結果真係英國唔做都好, 呢啲對海外手足成本唔叫太高嘅做法, 一試無越

Genzo 2020-7-30 23:45:37 #HKisGB
抗環瓜氨酸抗體 2020-7-30 23:46:02 push
迷路鳥 2020-7-30 23:50:45
腦進化病人 2020-7-30 23:51:43
鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2020-7-30 23:55:54 放完負就出返去啦
irregular 2020-7-31 00:28:46


Mamafker 2020-7-31 00:47:04
Genzo 2020-7-31 01:23:42 #HKisGB
問答無用 2020-7-31 01:31:02 點解Hong Kong is Great Britain
Are the UK and Great Britain the same?
Great Britain, therefore, is a geographic term referring to the island also known simply as Britain. It's also a political term for the part of the United Kingdom made up of England, Scotland, and Wales (including the outlying islands that they administer, such as the Isle of Wight).

Genzo 2020-7-31 01:33:29 玩緊之前個Great Britain campaign 呀大佬

嘗試食返個 campaign , marketing 上其他睇過嘅人容易明咩事呀嘛
你睇返之前個 Great Britain campaign 先啦

問答無用 2020-7-31 01:34:30 你打飛機一件事

Genzo 2020-7-31 01:37:40

我知你講乜, 但我唔認為會因為咁就唔借用Great Britain campaign 會係一件好事嚟
鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2020-7-31 01:49:27 得啦 出返去啦 P牌傻閪仔
Genzo 2020-7-31 01:52:47 討論吓啫, 可以講多幾句先睇吓要唔要起鋼嘅

佢單提地理問題唔係完全無道理, 但本來嘅Great Britain campaign 本身就唔係地理, 而係賣廣告

Genzo 2020-7-31 02:42:12 #HKisGB
Genzo 2020-7-31 03:45:51 #HKisGB


鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2020-7-31 06:43:46
Genzo 2020-7-31 13:49:27 #HKisGB
屁孩開心放暑假 2020-7-31 16:12:40 推 支持英國收返香港 我出世到宜間無一刻覺得自己係中國人 一直覺得自己係英屬香港人
Genzo 2020-7-31 16:46:03
