『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(95) BNO 5+1 Home Office 出咗
希魔 2020-7-24 03:34:44


零四多好 2020-7-24 03:40:09
希魔 2020-7-24 03:42:04
零四多好 2020-7-24 03:43:13
又點𨶙樣呀 2020-7-24 05:08:00

北區小哲 2020-7-24 05:21:43 SAR check回覆係話無BNO申請紀錄

但佢有句係This department cannot advise if a person is eligible to apply for a BNO passport

希魔 2020-7-24 05:22:30 咩情況
北區小哲 2020-7-24 05:25:05 97前出世 做左SAR check 回覆係咁:

Thank you for your enquiry requesting information from Her Majesty’s Passport Office records regarding a BNO passport.

Following a search of HM Passport Office records, I can confirm that there is no record of any passport or application having been made in your details.

For any enquiries on how to apply for a BNO passport, please visit: www.gov.uk/overseas-passports

This department cannot advise if a person is eligible to apply for a BNO passport

For any enquiries on how to apply for a BNO passport, please visit: www.gov.uk/overseas-passports

Please do not contact this department regarding an application to apply/renew a passport or to check if documents have been received

我想試下比錢照申請 巴打點睇?
希魔 2020-7-24 05:25:58 合符以下所有條件基本上可以肯定你有過BNO身份:
- 1997年7月1日前未滿11歲
- 身份證首次簽發日期為(06-97)或之前
- 香港出世而且出世紙寫有'Established'
北區小哲 2020-7-24 05:27:43 尾2個唔符合

巴打講一句係 我就死心唔再諗了

Thanks in advance
希魔 2020-7-24 05:29:40 你可以申請特區護照了


北區小哲 2020-7-24 05:31:56 唔該巴打
Jesse_Lingard 2020-7-24 06:44:55 15/6仲味出黑洞
A.lNlESTA 2020-7-24 07:16:39 唔係靠唔靠既問題 冇咩親戚 當然唔想同家人分開異地
賤呢識膠街架 2020-7-24 07:39:00 有PhD嘅去澳洲試189/190應該得
哈蜜瓜醬 2020-7-24 08:02:34
哈蜜瓜醬 2020-7-24 08:08:38
你係邊位 2020-7-24 08:24:59
Jesse_Lingard 2020-7-24 08:40:34 我15/6都味update啦
香港有嘻哈 2020-7-24 08:49:45 邊個簽收?
JR東海代表取締役 2020-7-24 09:04:04 身份證大法唔會100%係BN(O),只係可以確定你係97前有搞過護照


酸民治日鮮 2020-7-24 09:19:32 錯,BDTC護照係唔會出身份證畀11歲以下人士,所以只出BDTC護照嘅人,係唔會中身份證大法。

日向地鶏の油そば 2020-7-24 09:28:14 繼續無底洞freefall
Varane 2020-7-24 09:33:10 睇佢最新既comment 係話
所以好多人都唔中 身份證大法幫唔到佢地
賤呢識膠街架 2020-7-24 09:45:16 意思即係淪陷前大過11歲?
