『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(95) BNO 5+1 Home Office 出咗
薛凱琪_趕 2020-7-24 01:27:19 個post 慢左


所記 2020-7-24 01:28:41 佢人生真係好灰,你答咗佢咁耐,完全聽唔明人哋個答案,將自己答案攞上頭頂!終於點化咗佢,真係服咗你!
所記 2020-7-24 01:30:01 咁佢咪自己搵路走囉!博士喎!唔係仲靠你嘛!
所記 2020-7-24 01:32:46 去櫃拎或約合適時間派上你屋企,呢啲問題其實做乜唔打熱線問?你俾咗錢寄返嚟,DHL 有責任解決你問題!
所記 2020-7-24 01:35:37 你唔需要灰!你中晒身份證大法,絕對有極大機會有bno身份!樂觀啲啦!
林鄭殺人犯 2020-7-24 01:46:14 BNO status 係咪唔包 英國領土下出世但無申請護照嘅前大英子民?
花信年華 2020-7-24 01:53:34
花信年華 2020-7-24 01:55:39
林鄭殺人犯 2020-7-24 01:59:46 What a tragic story :(

I was born before the July 1997, supposed to be Her Majesty’s subject. But my parents didn’t apply BNO for me....
希魔 2020-7-24 02:01:38 BDTC-HK
林鄭殺人犯 2020-7-24 02:11:09 I don’t have it either. My family is from an underprivileged background and they weren’t able to apply any forms of passport for me as we had no chance to go overseas due to our financial background.

It would be good for HKers whom have a similar situation as me if the government decides to reopen BNO application


花信年華 2020-7-24 02:25:50
林鄭殺人犯 2020-7-24 02:30:29
希魔 2020-7-24 02:33:01 U.S. Department of State
36分鐘 ·
President Donald Trump: Hong Kong will now be treated the same as mainland China: no special privileges, no special economic treatment, and no export of sensitive technologies.
花信年華 2020-7-24 02:33:16
所記 2020-7-24 02:54:00
部隊鍋 2020-7-24 03:00:07 618都未

花信年華 2020-7-24 03:10:16 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/902878/220720_Hong_Kong_British_National_Overseas_Visa_policy_statement_-_web_accessible.pdf

If the above doesn’t apply then the existing youth mobility scheme is open to people in Hong Kong aged between 18-30, with 1000 places currently available each year.Individuals from Hong Kong will also be able to apply to come to the UK under the terms of the UK’s new Points Based System, which will enable individuals to come to the UK in a wider range of professions and at a lower general salary threshold than in the past.
零四多好 2020-7-24 03:11:47
讓子彈飛 2020-7-24 03:12:05 依家仲寄唔寄去搞BNO好?
小宅宅 2020-7-24 03:13:52 有冇人知email俾個pe,佢大概幾時覆


剝光豬女友 2020-7-24 03:20:01 冇so 既嘢香港人會做架咩?
希魔 2020-7-24 03:22:15 冇一本有效BNO喺手
希魔 2020-7-24 03:22:58 睇DOC
零四多好 2020-7-24 03:32:03