若至而同 2020-7-22 21:59:36 此回覆已被刪除


允行- 2020-7-22 21:59:58 佢寫到咁vague, 擺明俾位你走盞
阿婆我愛鋤 2020-7-22 22:00:52 我成廿歲先有本特區護照,細個屋企人未帶過去旅行
十個他不如你一個 2020-7-22 22:01:21 多謝英國
若至而同 2020-7-22 22:01:30 此回覆已被刪除
敗家裙腳仔 2020-7-22 22:03:08 請問英國有google嗎?
MSE 2020-7-22 22:04:00 此回覆已被刪除
中出林檎 2020-7-22 22:04:03 https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-8939/

Who has British National (Overseas) status?

The British National (Overseas) – ‘BN(O)’ – status was created as part of the arrangements relating to the handover of sovereignty of Hong Kong on 1 July 1997. It caters for people who, prior to the handover, had British Dependent Territories Citizenship (BDTC) through a connection with Hong Kong.

Put briefly, Hong Kong BDTCs lost that status on 1 July 1997. However, in the ten years leading up to the handover, they could apply for the newly created BN(O) status. It is no longer possible to apply for BN(O) status.

Although there was an entitlement to be registered, BN(O) status was not conferred automatically. Those eligible had to submit an application. Successful applicants were issued with a British passport displaying their BN(O) status. They were not issued with a stand-alone certificate of registration.

BN(O)s cannot pass on their British nationality status to future generations. Consequently, the status has been available to a fixed cohort of people which is gradually decreasing in size.

Slightly fewer than 360,000 people have a valid BN(O) passport, as at April 2020. The government estimates that there are around 2.9m BN(O)s currently living in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s population is estimated to be around 7.5m.

Most people with BN(O) status are also likely to be Chinese nationals under Chinese nationality law.
綠野很細 2020-7-22 22:04:05 係咪太多人申請,所以先咁做法

IxamxL文 2020-7-22 22:04:23 收皮啦咁
部隊鍋 2020-7-22 22:05:40 40萬本護照申請pending


巴打用紅字 2020-7-22 22:05:42 唔洗RENEW BNO就入到UK 咁RENEW左個班咪...
關閉家中榮耀 2020-7-22 22:05:48 睇黎而家開個英文班有得賺
南辰北月 2020-7-22 22:05:52 你生存唔到6個月
十個他不如你一個 2020-7-22 22:06:08 仲想免費?
巴西莓咖啡 2020-7-22 22:06:13 有冇人知如果識個親人藍絲想去英國 但搵過佢fb 冇讚好啲藍絲page 冇share藍絲言論 點舉報佢?
comsense 2020-7-22 22:06:18 此回覆已被刪除
建國baby 2020-7-22 22:06:28 此回覆已被刪除
頭紋字鳩 2020-7-22 22:06:44 立過下眼唔見有寫截數日係咪唔使咁急?
蒜頭獸 2020-7-22 22:07:05 我都係
Dean 2020-7-22 22:07:09 戇鳩 直接過去學啦仲同你報英文班


深水埗之虎 2020-7-22 22:07:14 住同食一皮一個月夠?
隣家南孩 2020-7-22 22:08:07 大家咁話啦你把口而家好好咩 幫啲大陸仔講野
同類呀而家?慢慢學英文緊係得 佢呢啲伸手黨google下都懶仲學人移民係要比人屌下 你幫呢件垃圾講野你都要比人屌下 我屌你全家呀垃圾大陸窮閪 OU爛臭狗你估個個英文好似你兩個咁撚廢咩 你老母做雞個閪任比廢老插都唔夠養你呢件社會渣滓呀柒頭 你同上面個廢柴窮撚一齊攬住大家留係香港等死啦
中出林檎 2020-7-22 22:08:21 effective Jan 2021, 未 effective 已經封關啦
長腿媽媽 2020-7-22 22:08:54 此回覆已被刪除