Never侵B 2020-7-22 20:43:01 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/british-nationals-overseas-in-hong-kong



黑色胖子 2020-7-22 20:43:46 有無中文版,唔識英文
Never侵B 2020-7-22 20:43:56 To be eligible for this visa route you’ll need to show that you:

have BN(O) status – you don’t need valid BN(O) passport to show this and you don’t need to request a new passport if it’s expired or has been lost
normally live in Hong Kong
can accommodate and support yourself financially in the UK for at least 6 months
show a commitment to learn English, where appropriate
get a tuberculosis (TB) test certificate from a clinic approved by the Home Office
pay a fee and the immigration health surcharge
土飯兵兵 2020-7-22 20:44:26 此回覆已被刪除
加藤英 2020-7-22 20:45:07 學好左英文先好去,OK?
黑色胖子 2020-7-22 20:45:31 要獲得此簽證途徑的資格,您需要證明以下幾點:


偽娘(失業) 2020-7-22 20:45:33 垃圾老豆老母無申請過照舊唔洗諗
灰色人生 2020-7-22 20:45:42 有錯,其中一個條件係肯學英文
化孽瘤為梁琦 2020-7-22 20:45:42 我係英國人呀hi!!!
灰色人生 2020-7-22 20:46:13 冇* 打錯字
35歲退休 2020-7-22 20:46:17 日出了


夜刀風魔 2020-7-22 20:46:20 邊度睇唔洗有bno都去得
剛好五個字 2020-7-22 20:46:41 英國佬不嬲奸到仆街呢家係吸一班銀髮拎哂D錢去uk

比你住三年 經濟好返 保守黨未同你講fuck off
黑色胖子 2020-7-22 20:46:58 you don’t need valid BN(O) passport to show this and you don’t need to request a new passport if it’s expired or has been lost

don't慌之豬 2020-7-22 20:47:37 此回覆已被刪除
小段~ 2020-7-22 20:48:28
冥王星人 2020-7-22 20:49:55 此回覆已被刪除
好_眼訓 2020-7-22 20:50:40 唔洗翻 你唔岩呢個visa
粗略分析黑 2020-7-22 20:50:41 You’ll be able to apply to enter or remain in the UK for an initial period of 30 months, extendable by a further 30 months, or a single period of 5 years. You’ll be able to work and study but you won’t be able to access public funds such as social welfare benefits.
ABCD我話你知 2020-7-22 20:51:06 you don’t need valid BN(O) passport to show this and you don’t need to request a new passport if it’s expired or has been lost
i4i 2020-7-22 20:51:15 即係你係本身有bno,唔見咗或過咗期未續到都可以去。但本身真係冇,你老豆老母又唔帶你過去就唔得。


粗略分析黑 2020-7-22 20:52:02 To be eligible for this visa route you’ll need to show that you:

have BN(O) status – you don’t need valid BN(O) passport to show this and you don’t need to request a new passport if it’s expired or has been lost
normally live in Hong Kong
can accommodate and support yourself financially in the UK for at least 6 months
show a commitment to learn English, where appropriate
get a tuberculosis (TB) test certificate from a clinic approved by the Home Office
pay a fee and the immigration health surcharge
Secmaster 2020-7-22 20:52:03 可以帶廁所板出境就直去英國
河妖亂港 2020-7-22 20:52:09 之前仲有班5毛話呃你班人續bno賺錢
三浦春子 2020-7-22 20:52:18 此回覆已被刪除