Song Chen, Visiting Stanford researcher found to be a secret member of the Chinese military
2020-7-22 18:26:47
2020-7-22 18:27:38
2020-7-22 18:30:04
2020-7-22 18:30:10
2020-7-22 18:30:42
Contract Linguist opportunities are available in many major U.S. metropolitan areas with the FBI and the National Virtual Translation Center (NVTC). Applicants can choose to work with one or both organizations. Contract Linguists are required to work on-site and perform work as mutually agreed upon with the local FBI office. Travel opportunities for this role are possible.
Contract Linguists earn an hourly rate as determined by their language proficiency levels, specialized experience and the need for their respective languages in current FBI initiatives. Duties can include, but are not limited to:
- Translating written or audio materials, normally from a foreign language into English.
- Interpreting during a crucial interview of a subject of an investigation or a visit from a foreign dignitary.
- Providing cultural expertise relating to any matter over which the FBI has jurisdiction.
Contract Speaker Tester applicants must:
- Have U.S. citizenship.
- Take a Speaking Proficiency Test (SPT) in the language in which they will test and score at the well-educated native-speaker level.
- Pass an English-speaking test at the professional level if the testing language is not English.
- Successfully complete a two-week workshop in Washington, D.C.
- Be available to work at least 15 hours per week.
The rate for a Contract Linguist, the highest level of qualification, depends on your language and varies between $31-$41 an hour. The rate for Contract Language Monitor, the lower level of qualification, also depends on your language and varies between $29-$37 an hour.
美國聯邦調查局(FBI)近日放上招聘通知,欲徵求有中文溝通能力的美國公民,由於FBI局長瑞伊(Christopher Wray)日前曾說,幾乎每10小時,就有一起間諜案與中國相關,因此這則招聘貼文也被民眾猜測應是衝著中國而來。
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