[高溫效應] 西裝、皮鞋、皮件討論帖 (36)
矛盾一生 2020-8-15 02:40:49


本多終勝正股驚閪 2020-8-15 02:41:30
GS清潔部 2020-8-15 11:44:18 此回覆已被刪除
紳士帽 2020-8-15 11:50:47
你有禮貌啦 2020-8-15 12:31:51 但有冇啲咩廠出嘅皮質素有保證啲

prokofiev 2020-8-15 12:33:41 Zara sells nice trousers 👖
牛肉乾 2020-8-15 13:31:30 同一間廠都有分級,到最後都係要睇果間廠/鋪/maker揀貨既能力、同皮廠既關係同埋用料上有幾講究。高和是無真正頂級貨的,但用料是很對的住價錢。
柯舊屎 2020-8-15 13:33:12 呢排wfh冇乜機會出中環,想問tassels依家alden有冇折?有啲想買對suede penny loafer
人生芷若如初見 2020-8-15 13:36:41 皮料同eg比點?
你有禮貌啦 2020-8-15 13:38:16 謝牛巴
牛肉乾 2020-8-15 13:38:23 Eg better of course


prokofiev 2020-8-15 14:06:49 其實差不多,冇乜分別。The shirts in Zara come in five sizes: extra small, small, medium, large and extra large. Its shorts 🩳come in many sizes. These shorts 🩳are the wrong size. They aren't my size. They aren't my cousin's size either. This pair of shorts 🩳is a size thirty three. Do you have them in size thirty one? I'm a size thirty one in shorts 🩳and pants 👖whereas my cousin takes size thirty four in them. However, I would like to try a size thirty one pair of shorts and a size thirty two pair for size. If both pairs aren't my size, can they be cut to size? If not, I'll need to get them cut to size somewhere else. What is your size shoes? What size shirt👔 does your brother take? What size dress 👗🥻is your sister? I wanna try this leather jacket 🧥on in a larger size. Do you have it in a bigger size because I think it's two sizes too small? I need a larger size. My cousin and my brother have tried it and its the right size. branch doesn't have the beige shorts🩳 in my size so I'll have to visit another branch. My friend Chloe takes a size eight in skirts and a medium size in blouses👚. She generally wears a size nine in shoes🥿👠👡👢 while I'm a size nine and a half. A notice in the shop says "If you spend over three thousand dollars💰💵💳🧾, you get a pocket-sized mirror as a free gift." I'm gonna make Chloe a gift 🎁of a blouse👚, a bikini 🩱👙and a pair of mom shorts 🩳along with the pocket-size mirror.
Fishball_boy 2020-8-15 14:43:29 呢位朋友究竟想講乜?
Fishball_boy 2020-8-15 14:45:37 我對高和黑色calf著咗十幾年,狀態仍然正常,要頂級皮可能要自攜了
牛肉乾 2020-8-15 15:28:18 已封鎖會員 prokofiev
prokofiev 2020-8-15 15:30:09 My friend Jason is a size nine in shoes and a large size in t-shirts 👕 while his sister takes size eight and a half in flats and medium size in t-shirts. I generally wear a size thirty two in pants 👖whereas Jason is a size thirty five. He generally takes a medium size in jackets whereas I'm an extra large size.
或成最大贏家 2020-8-15 15:44:55 白卡佬嚟
gnatmceoj 2020-8-15 18:03:15 我果對都十年啦
岸X 2020-8-15 21:00:05 P記陳展鵬真係幾型
koi 2020-8-15 22:41:17 P記sale有冇巴打執到嘢
哈利皇子 2020-8-16 00:54:57 Cheaney既皮鞋大家點睇


GS清潔部 2020-8-16 00:55:44 此回覆已被刪除
糕點DNA 2020-8-16 01:22:06 同價位唔會揀佢啦
mid / dark brown 完全無問題啦
哈利皇子 2020-8-16 01:48:13 有冇翻工既啡皮鞋相參考下
糕點DNA 2020-8-16 02:12:28 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCAn3DNJ_Wm/?igshid=ewhbdjc661nw


去landmark 搵the armoury 同tassels 睇下試下