[高溫效應] 西裝、皮鞋、皮件討論帖 (36)
偽文毒 2020-8-13 18:13:30 過多幾日先。即刻拎去打個鐵


badass 2020-8-13 18:21:27 點解唔可以買鞋
偽文毒 2020-8-13 18:34:41 買原裝alden shoes tree ,買鞋油,belt,銀包咁都得既,叫做好過無,如果咁啱想買就唔同
思歪 2020-8-13 18:37:37 但去得tassels都係想買鞋多

偽文毒 2020-8-13 18:50:58 原本想一對一對去入,點知試下試下又話有我碼就帶走左
unlined 真係好舒服,但係唔知著耐左會唔會keep得無咁好
vroft 2020-8-13 18:54:53 真大戶
紳士帽 2020-8-13 19:21:36 Ching係假新手真大户
vroft 2020-8-13 20:21:55 好似牛巴都話新手留名一樣
牛肉乾 2020-8-13 21:41:08 我真新手黎
呢D啊講 2020-8-13 22:21:47

koi 2020-8-13 22:54:15 有冇巴打想夾vass


不做紫青巴 2020-8-13 22:57:25 想問下個領roll個長度睇落好似好長咁
呢D啊講 2020-8-13 23:01:00 應該係著左外套令佢睇落再長d,其實佢個collar 係4寸我無記錯既話
J_P 2020-8-14 00:58:43 記得upload相
死老嘢 2020-8-14 10:55:19 $1000頭有對Allen Edmonds loafer,屌唔屌好
死老嘢 2020-8-14 10:56:27 買幾多有$5000 coupon
野木蘭 2020-8-14 11:37:19 追咗陣post,2K樓下皮鞋最好都係Berwick/Yanko?邊到買最平
Lufhcud 2020-8-14 11:44:04 有冇人着過Freemans sporting club嘅衫褲?見d評價幾好但都唔平
不做紫青巴 2020-8-14 12:18:50 Berwick太硬了..........Boots可考慮
人生芷若如初見 2020-8-14 12:36:31 Berwick/yanko要上網先2k樓下

香港LH店 berwick冇記錯要2k頭
silencejoe 2020-8-14 12:42:36


野木蘭 2020-8-14 13:03:52 請問巴打HOAX呢,見佢果到賣Berwick好似都有2K樓下
糕點DNA 2020-8-14 13:07:07 LH 時不時有折,而家唔知有無。但定價應該同hoax 差唔多,個人鍾意去LH 多d,順便支持黃店
prokofiev 2020-8-14 13:13:05 The t-shirts in Hollister come in six sizes: extra small, small, medium, large, extra large and extra extra large. Its chinos come in many sizes. These chinos are the wrong size. They aren't my size. They aren't my cousin's size either. This pair of chinos is a size thirty eight. Do you have these pants in a size thirty one? I take a size thirty one in chinos whereas my cousin is a size thirty five in pants. However, I would like to try a size thirty one pair of chinos and a size thirty two pair on for size. If both pairs aren't my size, can they be cut to size? If not, I'll need to get them cut to size somewhere else. What is your size? What skirt size does your cousin take? What shoe size is your cousin's husband? I wanna try this jacket in a larger size. Do you have it in a bigger size because I think it's one size or two sizes too small. I need a bigger size. My brother's tried it on and it's the right size. This branch doesn't have the pink t-shirts in my size so I'll have to visit another branch. My friend Susanna takes size six in dresses and medium size in t-shirts. She's a size nine and a half in shoes whereas I generally wear a size nine. A notice in the shop says "If you spend over four hundred dollars in a single transaction, you get a pocket-size mirror as a free gift." I'm gonna make Susanna a gift of a blouse and a pair of shorts along with the pocket-sized mirror.
紳士帽 2020-8-14 13:50:11 宜家好係有9折,唔知完未