『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(94) DARKEST HOUR
所記 2020-7-22 22:57:32 有廿幾萬簽收咗未到doc received 添!



F5制都撳爛啦 2020-7-22 22:57:47 現在HMPO大塞車
NCRarcadia 2020-7-22 22:58:06 點解你會覺得你6年都係SAR passport個世界仲會係一樣 ?
JR東海代表取締役 2020-7-22 22:59:20 一日頂一個月,仲未計其他courier
英國人去post office用royal mail搞
F5制都撳爛啦 2020-7-22 22:59:22 你鍾意整咪整 反正最終都係 BC passport

黃竹角海 2020-7-22 22:59:30 重點係apply visa 時,要證明自己有本Valid or expiree BNO 係手....
如果自己本BNO 搵唔返,都係要照舊SAR 報失再renew BNO,至OK...
所記 2020-7-22 22:59:33 佢話比舊年多172%!我覺得20萬本bno走唔甩
肥_仔 2020-7-22 23:00:27 佢唔係通常住係香港嘅話冇份喎
黃竹角海 2020-7-22 23:00:27 To be eligible for this visa route you’ll need to show that you:

have BN(O) status – you don’t need valid BN(O) passport to show this and you don’t need to request a new passport if it’s expired or has been lost
黃竹角海 2020-7-22 23:00:42 To be eligible for this visa route you’ll need to show that you:

have BN(O) status – you don’t need valid BN(O) passport to show this and you don’t need to request a new passport if it’s expired or has been lost
NCRarcadia 2020-7-22 23:00:52 sor 18 年已經有

US visa 都有埋


所記 2020-7-22 23:01:10 應該無,你如果有咩問題,到時上嚟報告,睇吓點拆。
az-687 2020-7-22 23:01:13
ufddjkis 2020-7-22 23:01:33 收到

身份證大法寫 "由於以往十一歲以下的人士申請BN(O)護照必須同時申請十一歲以下人士兒童身份證"
花信年華 2020-7-22 23:02:03 cv-19
az-687 2020-7-22 23:02:18
酸民治日鮮 2020-7-22 23:02:34 咁嘅理解又唔正確,佢係要你有有效證件入境,只係無話要你有本有效BN(O)護照。

There will be no requirement for applicants to apply for or hold a valid BN(O) passport and successful applicants will be able to travel on a valid Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport. However, valid or expired BN(O) passports should be kept and submitted with an application as evidence of BN(O) status. Where a BN(O) passport has been lost, eligibility checks can be made using historical records held by Her Majesty’s Passport Office.

不過呢個post 從來都唔建議人用特區護照,所以唔該入得黎問嘅,我都係得一個答案: 續護照
勝哈利路亞 2020-7-22 23:02:42 此回覆已被刪除
花信年華 2020-7-22 23:02:56 未必40萬都係bno ge
所記 2020-7-22 23:02:58 有無搞錯!計到咁盡!英國當地續,慳咗DHL 國際速遞費喎!
az-687 2020-7-22 23:03:03


哈蜜瓜醬 2020-7-22 23:03:33
JR東海代表取締役 2020-7-22 23:04:00
16450230 2020-7-22 23:04:21 一千蚊都比唔起
F5制都撳爛啦 2020-7-22 23:04:25 再慳啲 連BC passport 都唔整