『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(94) DARKEST HOUR
所記 2020-7-22 19:19:29 真係搵唔到先撳返報失,睇doc。


viviwin 2020-7-22 19:22:29
viviwin 2020-7-22 19:32:42
今天只做三件事 2020-7-22 19:33:33 [突發] BNO 5+1 Home Office 出左
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
人生可否重來 2020-7-22 19:36:39
大美麗 2020-7-22 19:36:56 唉 屌 好淆底
個application 5月26就confirm左
過左3個月 refuses 我個application
大美麗 2020-7-22 19:37:42 今日先去到12號
今天只做三件事 2020-7-22 19:38:04 To be eligible for this visa route you’ll need to show that you:

-have BN(O) status – you don’t need valid BN(O) passport to show this and you don’t need to request a new passport if it’s expired or has been lost
人生可否重來 2020-7-22 19:39:06
小宅宅 2020-7-22 19:41:02 Same
NCRarcadia 2020-7-22 19:45:23 have BN(O) status – you don’t need valid BN(O) passport to show this and you don’t need to request a new passport if it’s expired or has been lost

if it’s expired or has been lost
if it’s expired or has been lost
if it’s expired or has been lost



傻散之野望 2020-7-22 19:48:48 此回覆已被刪除
Dealer-星 2020-7-22 19:51:14
白色球鞋 2020-7-22 19:55:14 612出咗黑洞了
doc received
所記 2020-7-22 19:55:31 我一早估,有無有效bno護照根本無影響!因為國籍一世嘅,無有效bno就唔俾玩係講唔通!但有效bno係一定更快同即時核實到個身份咁解。
二級船長 2020-7-22 19:58:36 Entering the UK before the Hong Kong BN(O) Visa is available

If you’re not eligible to enter the UK under an existing immigration route, Border Force Officers may be able to consider granting ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ at the UK border for a period of 6 months to you and your accompanying dependants.


What you can and cannot do

As a person with ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ you and your dependants can:


You cannot:

get public funds
use the NHS for free (except for free services)
NCRarcadia 2020-7-22 20:00:46 呢個應該係比緊急走嘅手足走
NCRarcadia 2020-7-22 20:01:46 as long as 個國籍係到就得,只係passport會過期但國藉唔會
二級船長 2020-7-22 20:03:37 2021年前未有BNO visa前,入境都可以有”Leave Outside the Rules” 而立即做嘢或讀書!
希魔 2020-7-22 20:03:48 寄咩去HMPO
所記 2020-7-22 20:04:51 無bno尤其後生嗰班,佢哋最值得救,但呢一刻英帝幫唔到手。


我係如花 2020-7-22 20:05:59 此回覆已被刪除
NCRarcadia 2020-7-22 20:06:42 都只能夠等 Home Secretary
NCRarcadia 2020-7-22 20:08:14 希望有手足可以用到呢個方法啦
真名冇人信 2020-7-22 20:08:22