台式蛋餅 2020-7-10 00:11:17 講到firstrade 好似專係俾連燈用咁


Plastic_Baby 2020-7-10 00:13:11 cs全名係?
蘋果核戰記 2020-7-10 00:14:48 此回覆已被刪除
你懂我意思嗎 2020-7-10 00:17:40 暫時都係得dukascopy方便開,同穩陣啲,至少認可特衰同香港地址
吞拿魚意粉 2020-7-10 00:27:39 係咪可以係唔同證券行開戶口,只不過唔係同一間開多過一個戶口?
深夜二時二十七分 2020-7-10 00:29:33 我都係星期一用BNO開,無ban我
美國大巨腸 2020-7-10 00:30:55 此回覆已被刪除
BlueRing 2020-7-10 00:31:40 你全家死了
深夜二時二十七分 2020-7-10 00:31:40 有,星期日搞,星期一開到,尋日成功匯埋錢

Gymgym自喜 2020-7-10 00:35:39 五月用特區
移除下體裝置 2020-7-10 00:37:33 Closed我account但係仲login到係咩玩法


有JJ的女人 2020-7-10 00:46:24 我開咗IB呀但係citi過美金,過極都過唔到,個app又廢,我用android冇試過成功login。
有JJ的女人 2020-7-10 00:49:59 少少更新,雖然明明又話關閉我賬戶但又電匯成功,app又如常運作,咁我就試下買嘢,又冇咩問題咁,btw都係等佢覆咩事,再同大家分享。
有JJ的女人 2020-7-10 00:50:27

Mina生多左 2020-7-10 01:05:31 本地匯本地外幣都唔洗錢?
衝啊衝! 2020-7-10 01:11:09 此回覆已被刪除
無知的人 2020-7-10 01:13:44 此回覆已被刪除
信用欺詐獅 2020-7-10 01:21:05 Customer Service
沈到你窮(失業中) 2020-7-10 01:22:28 想問有card 但户口少過25k usd 係咪張card 都冇用?
色違pikachu 2020-7-10 03:16:43 firstrade 個交易網去唔到...登入唔到, 唔通真係封左?
五月花號 2020-7-10 03:17:08 此回覆已被刪除


色違pikachu 2020-7-10 03:18:24 沽空左, 平唔到倉
五月花號 2020-7-10 03:19:44 此回覆已被刪除
小澤亜李(がすき) 2020-7-10 04:00:48 前日匯 琴日收到㗎啦喎
明明如月 2020-7-10 05:28:10 Dear

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has introduced a new Client Relationship Summary known as Form CRS. The effective date is June 30, 2020. The new Form CRS should further build the relationship between you and Firstrade by providing information to better understand Firstrade’s business.

Firstrade is registered with the SEC as a broker-dealer. Broker-dealers will be required to provide you with Form CRS, as of June 30, 2020. Form CRS will help clients to easily compare offerings and services across the industry.

You can review our Form CRS here.

For more information on Form CRS, please visit
