今日覆左診囉 化驗報告出埋 !!!
黎落耳可耳落黎 2020-7-9 20:26:31 雖然唔識你 但為你祈禱



打倒昨日的我 2020-7-9 20:27:12 面面加油
Lady加價 2020-7-9 20:28:51 請你食麵
武漢肺炎鏈球菌 2020-7-9 20:30:34 真心 唔好害人
斷食同盲目戒口突然間好大改善個飲食習慣只會令體重更加暴跌 同埋令病人身體更加虛弱
唔係點解要飲癌奶 加食多d野 維持體重

如果斷下食就醫到癌症 每年仲會有一千幾百萬人死於癌症?
薑汁豚之助 2020-7-9 20:30:39 加油吖麵麵
亞Q精神 2020-7-9 20:30:44 留名打氣
山本五十6 2020-7-9 20:31:36 Well燈
李小明 2020-7-9 20:32:06 此回覆已被刪除
Tsukihime 2020-7-9 20:33:12
M.Reus 2020-7-9 20:33:17 g chi
Buddy 2020-7-9 20:33:36


FakeYooHoo 2020-7-9 20:34:21 麵麵快啲死

武漢肺炎鏈球菌 2020-7-9 20:35:28 真心 唔好聽佢講

你走去餓自己十四日 只會令自己變左廋骨仙同埋身體冇曬力量去打杖 到時連化療都唔撚做得
應該做既係 鍾意食咩就食 唔洗太刻意話唔食咩
除左油炸 醃製品 之外咩都食得 最好食多d野
有冇買加力康飲 一日買兩枝飲維持番個體重 先夠力同佢打落去
ajtast 2020-7-9 20:35:44 加油麵麵 你要記得有我哋陪住你
我叫做腦魔 2020-7-9 20:36:29 偏方1/1000 有效,飲奶就起碼有stat significant 的人得
凍檸茶不加糖 2020-7-9 20:38:01
余膠人 2020-7-9 20:38:04 燈撚死晒啲壞細胞
武漢肺炎鏈球菌 2020-7-9 20:38:16 你可以改善自己夜訓 改壞習慣 食多d菜 生果 做多d運動 同埋積極面對治療面對人生
而唔係信偏方斷食搞到自己入廠 治療又做唔到
武漢肺炎鏈球菌 2020-7-9 20:41:37 根本信偏方而好番既人 根本就唔能夠証明係佢本身有做其他治療 定偏方有效
M.Reus 2020-7-9 20:42:13 大dodo燈緊自己
我叫做腦魔 2020-7-9 20:42:38 但Keto 應該唔係偏方

Results for a modified keto diet in animal models were really hopeful," she adds. "Researchers in previous studies implanted animal model brains with cancerous glioma cells to study the effect of ketosis on their survival and to monitor what happened to the glioma cells; the models had a modest increase in survival with ketogenic diet as compared to controls not on the ketogenic diet. However, when radiation was added to the treatment of ketogenic diet there was a significant increase in survival, so much so that 9 out of the 11 animal models were cured of their tumors."

"This is why we think that ketones may act as a radiation sensitizing agent, and this would explain the significantly increased survival in the animal models on the ketogenic diet with radiation as compared to the models on the ketogenic diet alone," Chaudhary adds. "Initially, this was thought to work because of the low sugar state; however, other animal model studies have shown that not only do the brain tumors implanted in animals take up the ketones, but also they use them for energy. This led us to the hypothesis that perhaps the ketones are being taken up in the tumors and are making the tumors more sensitive to radiation. There is limited data in humans with ketogenic diets and cancer but because of the preliminary data in animal models and retrospective data in humans with glioblastoma, trials are beginning to pop up.

KD was feasible and safe as an adjuvant to standard chemoradiation treatment of glioblastoma multiforme


我叫做腦魔 2020-7-9 20:46:09 見過有癌症病人西醫講得幾個月番大陸揾神醫2年仲係到,亦有信中醫唔信西醫既快d 走,後者多d

不過ketogenic diet 我多d 聽有用係epilepsy
你哋唔好再發夢 2020-7-9 20:47:46 麵麵
站在ifc天台 2020-7-9 20:50:00 牛左咁耐你都頂到 你得既 加油~!
含到𠽌𠽌聲 2020-7-9 20:50:23
我要你以後都陪住我 !!!