我個心好痛 2020-7-15 22:00:24 想聽


雪花非花 2020-7-15 22:00:33 推到1001
我個心好痛 2020-7-15 22:00:40 -.,-
我個心好痛 2020-7-15 22:00:50
雪花非花 2020-7-15 22:00:55 笑咗
雪花非花 2020-7-15 22:01:10 Ok1002了
我個心好痛 2020-7-15 22:01:12 又笑
我個心好痛 2020-7-15 22:01:24 Yeah
唔食唔知屎好食 2020-7-15 22:01:32 此回覆已被刪除
咩料啊? 2020-7-15 22:24:13
已讀(不讀) 2020-7-15 22:25:52 ?????你???


已讀(不讀) 2020-7-15 22:26:22
咩料啊? 2020-7-15 22:28:32
已讀(不讀) 2020-7-15 22:34:29 呢排有咩做?
雪花非花 2020-7-15 22:39:45 diu ,no chinese

i diu le lo mo chow hi

u want do what seven??

if you want 1on1 ,u come

i fight,u,u know??

my power powerful

KO you,you sun of bitch

ok,i serious

i say ,y u laugh me??

y u laugh laughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaugh

i no like you,

i give bam then you happy

u happy becoue u is son of the bitch

u want 1on1? i serious

u come KT find me,but i afraid u no come 1on1 with me

u give me your name,i find ppl ^^

or u say sorry to me,or you DIE

ps. i do gym and i know thai hand
咩料啊? 2020-7-15 22:42:41 冇呀 我廢青

我個心好痛 2020-7-15 22:46:07 聽唔到喎
我個心好痛 2020-7-15 22:46:22 Chinese
我個心好痛 2020-7-15 22:46:34 係 我啊
咩料啊? 2020-7-15 22:49:06 再大聲啲
我個心好痛 2020-7-15 23:40:03 你唔夠氣


唔食唔知屎好食 2020-7-15 23:50:21 此回覆已被刪除
咩料啊? 2020-7-15 23:53:05
咩料啊? 2020-7-15 23:53:25 999
我個心好痛 2020-7-15 23:53:46 唔想