[釋放佐真奴] 車路士球迷暨黑警死全家支那滅黨討論區
精神出現問題 2020-7-8 03:47:24


KNO3 2020-7-8 03:47:32
湯洛文-卡勞 2020-7-8 03:47:32 山曹:上車咪無得係電視睇轟?不了
Schurrle 2020-7-8 03:47:37 1 - Christian Benteke has scored his first Premier League goal at home since April 2018 (v Leicester), 801 days ago. The Belgian has ended a run of 21 appearances at Selhurst Park without a goal, netting just 82 seconds after Tammy Abraham's strike.

柔道龍虎榜 2020-7-8 03:47:38 Roy Hodgson says he doesn't think Gary Cahill will play again this season but he needs a scan to confirm their fears. #CRYCHE #CFC

翔陽 2020-7-8 03:47:44 其實有冇可能係撚狗暗黑兵法黎,好似之前雪ca咁,等班球迷鄧個球員唔抵,球員出到場就會冇咁大壓力,或者應該係我諗多左
周慕雲 2020-7-8 03:48:02 Why
笹木咲 2020-7-8 03:48:03 Rice 回家吧
樹仁下的人 2020-7-8 03:48:17 巴卡約高薩卡
叫我手足就得 2020-7-8 03:48:23 其實嬌同tmr最需要係外借 佢兩個都分別有啲特質 不過都要多啲磨練先掂 感覺上都有機會成材
扑the標打 2020-7-8 03:48:25 10分鐘都有咁嘅表現都要go


唔諗了 2020-7-8 03:48:26 舒米高
Captain.willian 2020-7-8 03:48:30 舒米高又上身
T-ara世界第一 2020-7-8 03:48:37 好心撚狗咪撚吹奏乜撚野入禁區
奧斯爾BB 2020-7-8 03:48:47 咁樣自己拉傷有排抖
叫我手足就得 2020-7-8 03:48:52 唉屌 撚狗自己go
娜娜琳 2020-7-8 03:49:00 佢係咪傻撚咗
Schurrle 2020-7-8 03:49:01 6 - Willian has had a direct hand in a Chelsea goal in four consecutive Premier League games for the very first time (4 goals, 2 assists) whilst since the restart of the competition in mid-June, no player has been involved in more goals than the Brazilian (6)

Where? 2020-7-8 03:49:06 可能得罪左撚狗
鳩毛長過鳩 2020-7-8 03:49:36 迷佩了
柔道龍虎榜 2020-7-8 03:50:02 林狗躝啦


新港誠 2020-7-8 03:50:07 唔係真係同祖換Rabiot下嗎
Captain.willian 2020-7-8 03:50:11 撚狗玩政治玩到 擺明覺得佐仔阻住嬌狗上位
追夢的青頭 2020-7-8 03:50:20 佢同晶宮簽兩年約?
Dimitri 2020-7-8 03:50:27 撚狗唔鐘意衣啲中場